Child Development: Myths and Misunderstandings available in Paperback
Child Development: Myths and Misunderstandings
- ISBN-10:
- 1412956463
- ISBN-13:
- 9781412956468
- Pub. Date:
- 02/05/2009
- Publisher:
- SAGE Publications
- ISBN-10:
- 1412956463
- ISBN-13:
- 9781412956468
- Pub. Date:
- 02/05/2009
- Publisher:
- SAGE Publications
Child Development: Myths and Misunderstandings
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“A wonderful way to look more deeply into issues in child development.”
-Sarah Jane Anderson, Mount Ida College
“With its emphasis on critical thinking about child development, Mercer’s text is unique and timely. . . . Mercer has done an admirable job in selecting and tackling the topics that she does.”
-Nancy Dye, Humboldt College
In Child Development: Myths and Misunderstandings, author Jean Mercer uses intriguing vignettes and questions about children and families to guide readers in thinking critically about 51 common beliefs. Each essay confronts commonly held misconceptions about development, encouraging students to think like social scientists and to become better consumers of media messages and anecdotal stories. The book is organized so that essays can be assigned to parallel either chronologically or topically organized child development texts.
Listen to a recording on Jean Mercer's book here.
Features and Benefits:
- Presents 51 short essays about child development that challenge readers to reconsider their pre-conceived notions
- Includes critical thinking questions at the end of each reading
- Offers examples of research to help students make the connection between research designs and conclusions
- Shows students how to approach research reports
- Provides reference lists, including links to relevant SAGE publications
Child Development: Myths and Misunderstandings is intended for use as a supplementary text in courses in Child Development, Child and Adolescent Development, and Developmental Psychology.
Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781412956468 |
Publisher: | SAGE Publications |
Publication date: | 02/05/2009 |
Edition description: | New Edition |
Pages: | 296 |
Product dimensions: | 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.70(d) |
Table of Contents
1. Genetic factors play such a strong role in human development that genes alone can determine certain human behavioral characteristics.
2. There is no harm in putting off childbearing until the mother's career is established.
3. If a child's problem is genetically caused, the problem will be present at birth and stay the same throughout life.
4. Unborn babies are not influenced much by the environment outside the mother's body.
5. As a mother-to-be gets closer to the date when her baby will be born, she needs to be more careful about alcohol and drugs, because the risk of birth defects increases throughout pregnancy.
6. If a woman who is taking antidepressant medication becomes pregnant, she should stop taking the drugs because they may cause birth defects in her baby.
7. Mothers care for their babies well because they have a maternal instinct.
8. Babies work hard to be born.
9. "Crack babies" can't be cured and will always have serious problems.
10. Parents need to have contact with their babies right after birth, so they can bond with them.
11. Babies are born with emotional attachments to their mothers and can recognize their mothers at once.
12. Babies cannot see when they are first born.
13. A baby's sleeping position can cause or prevent sudden infant death syndrome.
14. Development of the brain is caused by experience, so it's possible to cause quick cognitive or emotional changes by stimulating a child's brain in the right way.
15. Parents should not talk baby talk to their children, because this will slow their language development.
16. Breast-feeding makes babies more intelligent.
17. It is important for parents to work with babies and teach them how to walk.
18. Toddlers drop food on the floor because they want to make their parents mad.
19. It is a good thing for an infant or toddler to have experience with many caregivers, not just one or two.
20. Some children would starve to death if their parents did not coax them to eat.
21. Having kids listen to Mozart makes them smart.
22. The time between birth and age three years is the most important period of development and learning in a person's life.
23. Day care is like school, so it provides an excellent foundation for children's development.
24. If a child is able to complete a task when with an adult, he or she is also able to do it alone.
25. Preschoolers who hold their breath when angry are trying to upset their parents and get their own way.
26. Vaccines are a cause of autism.
27. Autism rates are rising rapidly, especially in certain parts of the country, so something must be happening to cause more cases of this serious developmental problem.
28. Children with brain injuries can be rehabilitated by using practices like patterning, and other problems can be treated with similar approaches.
29. Preschoolers who try to bargain with their parents really want to manipulate and control adults, and they should not be allowed to negotiate.
30. Children who play with matches will grow up to be seriously disturbed and violent and will probably be serial killers, especially if they are also cruel to animals and wet their beds.
31. Children have different learning styles, depending on whether they are left brained or right brained.
32. Karate lessons help schoolchildren achieve self-discipline and improve their schoolwork.
33. Learning to read is mainly a matter of recognizing letter names and reciting the alphabet, so watching TV programs like Sesame Street is the most important preparation for school success.
34. Birth order is an important factor that determines children's intelligence and personality.
35. Bullying is a natural behavior for children, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
36. Sugar is a major cause of hyperactive behavior.
37. Adopted children have many more problems of social and emotional development than nonadopted children do.
38. It is important for parents to be fair and treat all their children in the same way.
39. A child's personality is formed by his or her experiences, especially those within the family.
40. Children are more likely to become delinquent if their fathers are absent and uninvolved.
41. Violent television programs and video games cause increased aggressive behavior.
42. If parents are not strict enough, children will behave badly and may become criminals.
43. Adolescents' brains go through some rapid changes; as a result, teenagers develop new ways of thinking about the world and about themselves.
44. High self-esteem makes children perform better in school.
45. The DARE program is an effective way to prevent children and adolescents from dealing or using drugs.
46. Children and adolescents learn bad behavior from their peers.
47. Young teenagers should be tried and sentenced as adults if they commit serious crimes.
48. Adolescence is an emotionally dangerous time when teenagers are likely to attempt or commit suicide.
49. Punishment is an effective way of changing children's and adolescents' undesirable behaviors.
50. Children are reaching puberty earlier with each generation.
51. Teenage boys and girls should have about the same level of fat in their bodies, about 10%.
1. Genetic factors play such a strong role in human development that genes alone can determine certain human behavioral characteristics.
2. There is no harm in putting off childbearing until the mother's career is established.
3. If a child's problem is genetically caused, the problem will be present at birth and stay the same throughout life.
4. Unborn babies are not influenced much by the environment outside the mother's body.
5. As a mother-to-be gets closer to the date when her baby will be born, she needs to be more careful about alcohol and drugs, because the risk of birth defects increases throughout pregnancy.
6. If a woman who is taking antidepressant medication becomes pregnant, she should stop taking the drugs because they may cause birth defects in her baby.
7. Mothers care for their babies well because they have a maternal instinct.
8. Babies work hard to be born.
9. "Crack babies" can't be cured and will always have serious problems.
12. Babies cannot see when they are first born.
13. A baby's sleeping position can cause or prevent sudden infant death syndrome.
16. Breast-feeding makes babies more intelligent.
17. It is important for parents to work with babies and teach them how to walk.
20. Some children would starve to death if their parents did not coax them to eat.
28. Children with brain injuries can be rehabilitated by using practices like patterning, and other problems can be treated with similar approaches.
36. Sugar is a major cause of hyperactive behavior.
50. Children are reaching puberty earlier with each generation.
51. Teenage boys and girls should have about the same level of fat in their bodies, about 10%.
10. Parents need to have contact with their babies right after birth, so they can bond with them.
11. Babies are born with emotional attachments to their mothers and can recognize their mothers at once.
18. Toddlers drop food on the floor because they want to make their parents mad.
19. It is a good thing for an infant or toddler to have experience with many caregivers, not just one or two.
25. Preschoolers who hold their breath when angry are trying to upset their parents and get their own way.
26. Vaccines are a cause of autism.
27. Autism rates are rising rapidly, especially in certain parts of the country, so something must be happening to cause more cases of this serious developmental problem.
29. Preschoolers who try to bargain with their parents really want to manipulate and control adults, and they should not be allowed to negotiate.
30. Children who play with matches will grow up to be seriously disturbed and violent people, and will probably be serial killers, especially if they are also cruel to animals and wet their beds.
35. Bullying is a natural behavior for children, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
37. Adopted children have many more problems of social and emotional development than nonadopted children do.
38. It is important for parents to be fair and to treat all their children in the same way.
39. A child's personality is formed by his or her experiences, especially those within the family.
40. Children are more likely to become delinquent if their fathers are absent and uninvolved.
41. Violent television programs and video games cause increased aggressive behavior.
42. If parents are not strict enough, children will behave badly and may become criminals.
46. Children and adolescents learn bad behavior from their peers.
48. Adolescence is an emotionally dangerous time when teenagers are likely to attempt or commit suicide.
14. Development of the brain is caused by experience, so it's possible to cause quick cognitive or emotional changes by stimulating a child's brain in the right way.
15. Parents should not talk baby talk to their children, because this slows their language development.
21. Having kids listen to Mozart makes them smart.
22. The time between birth and age 3 years is the most important period of development and learning in a person's life.
23. Day care is like school, so it provides an excellent foundation for children's development.
24. If a child is able to complete a task with an adult present, he or she is also able to do it alone.
31. Children have different learning styles, depending on whether they are left brained or right brained.
32. Karate lessons help schoolchildren achieve self-discipline and improve their schoolwork.
33. Learning to read is mainly a matter of recognizing letter names and reciting the alphabet, so watching TV programs like Sesame Street is the most important preparation for school success.
34. Birth order is an important factor that determines children's intelligence and personality.
43. Adolescents' brains go through some rapid changes; as a result, teenagers develop new ways of thinking about the world and about themselves.
44. High self-esteem makes children perform better in school.
45. The DARE program is an effective way to prevent children and adolescents from dealing or using drugs.
47. Young teenagers should be tried and sentenced as adults if they commit serious crimes.
49. Punishment is an effective way of changing children's and adolescents' undesirable behaviors.