Clever Title: A Collection of Short Stories - Vol.1
This is a book of short stories. Each story stands, and falls, on its merit alone. If you love the stories, cool, if you hate them, the reality is that no one cares, so go tell a tree or wall, best yet write a review and tell the author, he won’t care ether but you can rest your head knowing that you told that douchebag and he read it. Instead of telling you what this book is about I’ll tell you that This book is dedicated to all the people in your life who tell you that you can’t make it, that you give the finger while you blow them out of the water, proving them wrong. This book is dedicated to all of your ups and downs. It’s dedicated to all of your loves and losses. Most of all, it’s dedicated to you, dear reader; because you are the one who, ultimately, will put food on my table. So do yourself a favor and buy the book that’s dedicated to you. You deserve it.
Clever Title: A Collection of Short Stories - Vol.1
This is a book of short stories. Each story stands, and falls, on its merit alone. If you love the stories, cool, if you hate them, the reality is that no one cares, so go tell a tree or wall, best yet write a review and tell the author, he won’t care ether but you can rest your head knowing that you told that douchebag and he read it. Instead of telling you what this book is about I’ll tell you that This book is dedicated to all the people in your life who tell you that you can’t make it, that you give the finger while you blow them out of the water, proving them wrong. This book is dedicated to all of your ups and downs. It’s dedicated to all of your loves and losses. Most of all, it’s dedicated to you, dear reader; because you are the one who, ultimately, will put food on my table. So do yourself a favor and buy the book that’s dedicated to you. You deserve it.
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Clever Title: A Collection of Short Stories - Vol.1

Clever Title: A Collection of Short Stories - Vol.1

by Stuart Gould
Clever Title: A Collection of Short Stories - Vol.1
Clever Title: A Collection of Short Stories - Vol.1

Clever Title: A Collection of Short Stories - Vol.1

by Stuart Gould


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This is a book of short stories. Each story stands, and falls, on its merit alone. If you love the stories, cool, if you hate them, the reality is that no one cares, so go tell a tree or wall, best yet write a review and tell the author, he won’t care ether but you can rest your head knowing that you told that douchebag and he read it. Instead of telling you what this book is about I’ll tell you that This book is dedicated to all the people in your life who tell you that you can’t make it, that you give the finger while you blow them out of the water, proving them wrong. This book is dedicated to all of your ups and downs. It’s dedicated to all of your loves and losses. Most of all, it’s dedicated to you, dear reader; because you are the one who, ultimately, will put food on my table. So do yourself a favor and buy the book that’s dedicated to you. You deserve it.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781483581668
Publisher: BookBaby
Publication date: 11/03/2016
Series: Clever Title Series , #1
Pages: 200
Product dimensions: 5.40(w) x 8.40(h) x 0.60(d)

About the Author

Stuart Gould grew up in San Bernardino California, one of the poorest places in the United States. He was born June 14th 1985. He typically writes short story, fiction. Currently he’s only written one book titled, Clever Title after he looked up “books with clever titles” and realized a great stupid name for a book of short stories would be the thing he Googled, and thats where the title, Clever Title, came from. Long story short he loves feedback and want to know what people think, even if they hate it. In fact the more colorful people are, the better. He wants to know everything you love and hate about his work.
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