"Coby and Miss Strong Play Tall" was created in an effort to assist teachers and parents in applying a therapeutic way of handling with their special need students. This children's book is a wonderful reference tool that is easy to implement within the school day. It is both educational for the students, and the staff members who work directly with the physically challenged at school. "Coby and Miss Strong Play Tall" includes a variety of settings, and postures where Good Body Mechanics, Proper Desk Ergonomics and the Gross Motor Developmental Sequence can be applied. Illustrations are simple, bold and promote guided movement at school. “Coby and Miss Strong Play Tall” is written in rhyme to hold the child's attention and aid in memory of the lesson taught. Children benefit from good modeling in order to learn how to read, write, AND how to assume best working posture at school. "Work Tall and Play Tall" with your students!
"Coby and Miss Strong Play Tall" was created in an effort to assist teachers and parents in applying a therapeutic way of handling with their special need students. This children's book is a wonderful reference tool that is easy to implement within the school day. It is both educational for the students, and the staff members who work directly with the physically challenged at school. "Coby and Miss Strong Play Tall" includes a variety of settings, and postures where Good Body Mechanics, Proper Desk Ergonomics and the Gross Motor Developmental Sequence can be applied. Illustrations are simple, bold and promote guided movement at school. “Coby and Miss Strong Play Tall” is written in rhyme to hold the child's attention and aid in memory of the lesson taught. Children benefit from good modeling in order to learn how to read, write, AND how to assume best working posture at school. "Work Tall and Play Tall" with your students!