Color for Designers: Ninety-five things you need to know when choosing and using colors for layouts and illustrations
Most of today’s books on color lean in one of two directions: toward heavy-handed theory-speak or toward ready-to-use palettes that will likely be out-of-step before the book has received its first coffee stain. Color For Designers leans in neither direction, instead choosing to simply tell it like it is while bringing home the timeless thinking behind effective color selection and palette building.

In this fundamental guide to understanding and working with color, bestselling author Jim Krause starts out by explaining the basics with an introduction to the color wheel, hue, saturation, value, and more. He then dives deeper into the practical application of color with instruction on how to alter hues, create palettes, target themes, paint with color, use digital color, and accurately output your colorful creations to print.

The book is set up in easy-to-digest spreads that are straight-to-the-point, fun to read, and delightfully visual. Color For Designers–releasing on the heels of its companion volume, Visual Design–is the second book in the New Riders Creative Core series, which aims to provide instruction on the fundamental concepts and techniques that all designers must master to become skilled professionals.

Color for Designers: Ninety-five things you need to know when choosing and using colors for layouts and illustrations
Most of today’s books on color lean in one of two directions: toward heavy-handed theory-speak or toward ready-to-use palettes that will likely be out-of-step before the book has received its first coffee stain. Color For Designers leans in neither direction, instead choosing to simply tell it like it is while bringing home the timeless thinking behind effective color selection and palette building.

In this fundamental guide to understanding and working with color, bestselling author Jim Krause starts out by explaining the basics with an introduction to the color wheel, hue, saturation, value, and more. He then dives deeper into the practical application of color with instruction on how to alter hues, create palettes, target themes, paint with color, use digital color, and accurately output your colorful creations to print.

The book is set up in easy-to-digest spreads that are straight-to-the-point, fun to read, and delightfully visual. Color For Designers–releasing on the heels of its companion volume, Visual Design–is the second book in the New Riders Creative Core series, which aims to provide instruction on the fundamental concepts and techniques that all designers must master to become skilled professionals.

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Color for Designers: Ninety-five things you need to know when choosing and using colors for layouts and illustrations

Color for Designers: Ninety-five things you need to know when choosing and using colors for layouts and illustrations

by Jim Krause
Color for Designers: Ninety-five things you need to know when choosing and using colors for layouts and illustrations

Color for Designers: Ninety-five things you need to know when choosing and using colors for layouts and illustrations

by Jim Krause


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Most of today’s books on color lean in one of two directions: toward heavy-handed theory-speak or toward ready-to-use palettes that will likely be out-of-step before the book has received its first coffee stain. Color For Designers leans in neither direction, instead choosing to simply tell it like it is while bringing home the timeless thinking behind effective color selection and palette building.

In this fundamental guide to understanding and working with color, bestselling author Jim Krause starts out by explaining the basics with an introduction to the color wheel, hue, saturation, value, and more. He then dives deeper into the practical application of color with instruction on how to alter hues, create palettes, target themes, paint with color, use digital color, and accurately output your colorful creations to print.

The book is set up in easy-to-digest spreads that are straight-to-the-point, fun to read, and delightfully visual. Color For Designers–releasing on the heels of its companion volume, Visual Design–is the second book in the New Riders Creative Core series, which aims to provide instruction on the fundamental concepts and techniques that all designers must master to become skilled professionals.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780321968142
Publisher: New Riders
Publication date: 10/14/2014
Series: Theatre of Tennessee Williams Vol. IV
Pages: 240
Product dimensions: 8.50(w) x 8.40(h) x 0.70(d)

About the Author

Jim Krause has worked as a designer and illustrator since 1982. His clients have included Microsoft, Boeing, Seattle Schools, Washington Apples, and dozens of others. Krause is the author of the books within the Creative Core series, and is widely known for his best-selling “Index” titles (Color Index, Idea Index, Design Basics Index , and several others). When he’s not working, Jim Krause can usually be found riding a bicycle or a motorcycle, hiking, drinking good espresso, reading, taking pictures, or doing an art project of some kind.

Table of Contents

1 Color 101
2 Value over all
3 Color relationships
4 Building palettes
5 Neutrals
6 Interacting with the eye
7 Illustrations, graphics and photos
8 Conveyances
9 Inspiration and education
10 Digital color
11 Color and print
12 Paint? Paint!
Glossary and Index

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