Lynn Underwood is the Building Official with the City of Norfolk, Virginia. He has worked in the building safety profession and building code development for 26 years and has held additional positions such as Inspector, Property Maintenance Inspector, Combination Inspector, Plan Reviewer, Senior Plans Examiner, Assistant Building Official and Building Code Official. He has worked in six jurisdictions in four states. He is fully certified in all aspects of construction by the International Code Council and sits on two national code development committees. He is President and Board Member with the Virginia Building and Code Official's Association. He has written five books on construction or inspection. The most recent is entitled, Your Green Home. Other titles include: Homebuilding, Debt-Free, Common Code Problems (1st and 2nd edition) and How to be a Building Inspector. He also writes regularly for several national magazines including Building Safety Journal, Journal of Light Construction and Fine Homebuilding. A graduate engineer, Lynn is a former home builder, a licensed contractor in Virginia and teaches construction and building code classes with the Virginia Building Code Academy, Eastern Shore Community College and Tidewater Community College. He is a member of Green Building Advisor, a subscription website that provides advice on green building. He has developed educational and training curriculum for construction and inspection programs.