Comprehensive Behavior Management: Individualized, Classroom, and Schoolwide Approaches / Edition 2

Comprehensive Behavior Management: Individualized, Classroom, and Schoolwide Approaches / Edition 2

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SAGE Publications
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SAGE Publications
Comprehensive Behavior Management: Individualized, Classroom, and Schoolwide Approaches / Edition 2

Comprehensive Behavior Management: Individualized, Classroom, and Schoolwide Approaches / Edition 2


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Comprehensive Behavior Management: Schoolwide, Classroom, and Individualized Approaches supports teachers in preventing management problems and responding to unwanted behavior when it occurs in classrooms. The text offers a comprehensive presentation of three levels of behavior management strategies: individual, classroom, and schoolwide, all three of which contribute to a positive learning environment. A social learning emphasis in which human behavior is viewed within an ecological framework is integrated throughout the text. Application of this information is supported by a range of pedagogical devices such as vignettes, examples, strategies, and activities to show teachers how to manage behavior effectively. The analysis and applications in this text cover both general education and special education strategies.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781412988278
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Publication date: 05/10/2011
Edition description: Second Edition
Pages: 456
Product dimensions: 7.30(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.80(d)

About the Author

Dr. Ronald Martella is a professor at Eastern Washington University, teaching classes in behavior management and research methodology. He provides technical assistance to numerous states and districts on schoolwide positive behavior support (SWPBS)/behavior management for students with or without disabilities. Dr. Martella has 150 professional publications. He is an SRA/Mc Graw-Hill author of a 6-level program (Lesson Connections and Core Lesson Connections) for Reading Mastery Signature Edition and a two-course adolescent literacy program (Read to Achieve). He is co-author of the new digital-, print-, and project-based FLEX Literacy program. Additionally, he has published seven college-level textbooks on behavior management, research methods, and instruction. Further, Dr. Martella has conducted over 150 professional presentations. He serves on the editorial board of three peer-reviewed journals.

J. Ron Nelson, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders. He received the 2000 Distinguished Initial Career Research Award by the Council for Exceptional Children. Dr. Nelson has received over 20 million dollars to support his research, published over 130 peer reviewed research papers and developed a number of behavior (e.g., The Think Time Strategy) and literacy (e.g., Stepping Stones to Literacy) interventions that have been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. He is the author of four books: Vocabulary Learning: Tools and Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning Difficulties, Instructional Practices for Students with Behavioral Disorders (2008), Strategies for Reading, Writing, and Math, Comprehensive Behavior Management: Individualized, Classroom, and School-wide Approaches, and Understanding and Interpreting Educational Research.

Dr. Nancy Marchand-Martella is a professor at Eastern Washington University, teaching classes in academic remediation. Dr. Marchand-Martella has over 150 professional publications. She is an author of a two-level vocabulary program (Multiple Meaning Vocabulary) and an SRA/Mc Graw-Hill author of a 6-level program (Lesson Connections and Core Lesson Connections) for Reading Mastery Signature Edition and a two-course adolescent literacy program (Read to Achieve). She is co-author of the new digital-, print-, and project-based FLEX Literacy program. Additionally, she has published seven college-level textbooks on behavior management, research methods, and instruction. Further, Dr. Marchand-Martella has conducted over 280 professional presentations.

Mark O'Reilly: A native of Ireland, Mark O'Reilly joined the Department of Special Education at University of Texas at Austin in 2002. He currently coordinates the graduate training programs in autism and developmental disability, which are pre-approved by the Behavior Analysis Certification Board ( He is interested in the design, implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based and culturally sensitive services for students with autism and related developmental and physical disabilities, and their families.

Table of Contents

Part One: Introduction to Behavior Management
Chapter 1: Behavior Management Models
Chapter 2: The Foundations of Behavior Management
Part Two: Individualized Supports
Chapter 3: Pinpointing and Tracking a Behavior Problem
Chapter 4: Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Support Plans
Chapter 5: Increasing Desirable Behaviors
Chapter 6: Decreasing Undesirable Behaviors
Part Three: Classroom Supports
Chapter 7: Preliminary Considerations
Chapter 8: Instructional Variables
Part Four: School Wide Supports
Chapter 9: School Safety
Chapter 10: Schoolwide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
Chapter 11: Evidence-Based Interventions and Programs
Chapter 12: Response to Intervention (RTI) and SWPBIS Models
About the Authors

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