Contemporary Catholic Health Care Ethics / Edition 1

Contemporary Catholic Health Care Ethics / Edition 1

by David F. Kelly
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Georgetown University Press
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Georgetown University Press
Contemporary Catholic Health Care Ethics / Edition 1

Contemporary Catholic Health Care Ethics / Edition 1

by David F. Kelly


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First discussing the Catholic understanding of the human person, Kelly proposes a Catholic Christian approach to the meaning of human life as it applies specifically to health care. He includes a brief history of the relationship between religion and medicine, and makes strong claims about how theology ought and ought not to be applied in health care ethics. Drawing from the terminology and approaches used by secular bioethics, he suggests how a Catholic perspective on health care can utilize certain secular moral-philosophical positions, even as they apply to the issues of birth control, and end-of life concerns. As practitioners, patients, and families face the difficult decision to continue or stop treatment for dying patients, Kelly compassionately, but practically, explores their concerns in light of American law and ethics. Finally, he provides measured insight on pain management, hospital ethics committees, stem cell research, genetic engineering, and allocation of health care resources.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781589010307
Publisher: Georgetown University Press
Publication date: 11/15/2004
Edition description: Older Edition
Pages: 352
Product dimensions: 6.70(w) x 9.90(h) x 0.80(d)
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

David F. Kelly is professor emeritus, Duquesne University.

Gerard Magill is Vernon F. Gallagher Chair for the Integration of Science, Theology, Philosophy, and Law, Center for Healthcare Ethics, Duquesne University.

Henk ten Have is the director of the Center for Healthcare Ethics, Duquesne University.

Table of Contents

List of Abbreviationsxv
Part ITheological Basis
1Religion and Health Care3
2The Dignity of Human Life11
3The Integrity of the Human Person25
4The Implications for Health Care34
5Theological Principles in Health Care Ethics41
Part IIMethod
6The Levels and Questions of Ethics51
7Freedom and the Moral Agent56
8Right and Wrong63
10Method in Catholic Medical Ethics88
11Catholic Method and Birth Control99
12The Principle of Double Effect108
Part IIIApplication
13Forgoing Treatment, Pillar One: Ordinary and Extraordinary Means127
14Forgoing Treatment, Pillar Two: Killing and Allowing to Die134
15Forgoing Treatment, Pillar Three: Decisions by Competent Patients143
16Forgoing Treatment, Pillar Three: Decisions for Incompetent Patients153
17Forgoing Treatment, Pillar Three: Advance Directives170
18Hydration and Nutrition183
19Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia196
20Medical Futility206
21Pain and Pain Management220
22Ethics Committees229
23Embryonic Stem Cells and the Beginning of Personhood245
24Genetic Engineering260
25Allocating Health Care Resources270
26The Use and Misuse of the Allocation Argument286
Cases Cited302

What People are Saying About This

Thomas A. Shannon

The second edition of Contemporary Health Care Ethics is a welcome addition to the religious bioethics literature. It supplements the original edition with excellent discussions of the standard issues in bioethics from the perspectives of both recent scholarship and theological analysis. The second edition is a most helpful guide through the ever increasing complexities of contemporary bioethics.

Lisa Sowle Cahill

More than an introduction to bioethics, this work acquaints the reader with the major debates in Catholic moral theology since Vatican II. Kelly is erudite, careful, and lucid. He is also willing to challenge received views and is not afraid to take on hard dilemmas created by the U.S. health care and legal systems. The final chapter on health resource allocation is particularly incisive, orderly, and sane. A superb and provocative text for a Catholic seminary or college, Contemporary Catholic Health Care Ethics will also serve as a tremendous resource for ethicists and health care professionals.

James J. Walter

The second edition has been made even better. . . . New chapters on research ethics, organizational ethics, issues in genetics, and global bioethics have been added to make this a more complete text for anyone interested in a Catholic reflection on health care ethics.

Joseph Selling

David Kelly is straightforward in his claim to a specifically Catholic contribution to biomedical ethics, particularly in reference to the development of moral method. Yet, he is honestly critical about the same tradition that could be both ambiguous and confusing (especially about the regulation of fertility). More important, however, is that Kelly takes the tradition to the next step, not in coming up with ‘answers’, but in providing a framework for informed and reasonable analysis and decision-making in health care issues.

From the Publisher

"The second edition of Contemporary Health Care Ethics is a welcome addition to the religious bioethics literature. It supplements the original edition with excellent discussions of the standard issues in bioethics from the perspectives of both recent scholarship and theological analysis. The second edition is a most helpful guide through the ever increasing complexities of contemporary bioethics." -- Thomas A. Shannon, professor emeritus, religion and social ethics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

"The second edition has been made even better.... New chapters on research ethics, organizational ethics, issues in genetics, and global bioethics have been added to make this a more complete text for anyone interested in a Catholic reflection on health care ethics." -- James J. Walter, Austin & Ann O'Malley Chair in Bioethics, The Bioethics Institute, Loyola Marymount University

Charles E. Curran

David F. Kelly brings many significant strengths to this book—a broad and deep understanding of the Catholic theological-ethical tradition, a perceptive dialogue with a vast amount of bioethical literature, a sharp, clear, and perceptive mind, and a very engaging pedagogical style. The book very competently and comprehensively deals with both theological-ethical methods and with all the significant practical issues in bioethics today. This is the one book I would use as a textbook in Catholic bioethics.

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