Introduction: Catholic Higher Education in 1900 | | 3 | (1) |
| The Old-Time Catholic College | | | 4 | (2) |
| The Catholic University of America | | | 6 | (6) |
| After Americanism, Modernism | | | 12 | (9) |
Part One Confronting Modernity as the Century Opens | |
| Awaking to the Organizational Challenge | | | 21 | (18) |
| | 22 | (10) |
| Realignment of Secondary and Collegiate Education | | | 32 | (7) |
| Rationalizing the Catholic System | | | 39 | (23) |
| The Problem of Unity and the Role of the Catholic University | | | 39 | (4) |
| The Origins and Early Development of the CEA | | | 43 | (3) |
| The High School Movement and Standardization | | | 46 | (5) |
| Standing Firm by the Ratio Studiorum | | | 51 | (4) |
| Biting the Curricular Bullet | | | 55 | (7) |
| The Impact of World War I | | | 62 | (19) |
| The NCWC and the Issue of Centralization | | | 63 | (6) |
| Standardization Once Again | | | 69 | (3) |
| The Students' Army Training Corps | | | 72 | (9) |
| A New Beginning: Catholic Colleges 1900-1930 | | | 81 | (24) |
| The Catholic University of America | | | 84 | (5) |
| Catholic Women's Colleges 1900-1930 | | | 89 | (6) |
| The University Movement 1900-1925 | | | 95 | (10) |
Part Two Challenging Modernity Between the Wars | |
| | 105 | (19) |
| | 105 | (9) |
| Neoscholasticism and the Catholic Worldview | | | 114 | (10) |
| The Beginnings of the Catholic Renaissance | | | 124 | (22) |
| Americanism and Its Medieval Scholastic Background | | | 125 | (6) |
| The Postwar Catholic Resurgence | | | 131 | (5) |
| Developments in the Colleges | | | 136 | (10) |
| The Catholic Revival Reaches Full Flood | | | 146 | (21) |
| 1928 and After: The Post-Al Smith Context | | | 146 | (2) |
| Creating a Catholic Culture | | | 148 | (4) |
| Catholic Action: Background and Beginnings | | | 152 | (2) |
| Catholic Action and the Colleges | | | 154 | (9) |
| | 163 | (4) |
| Institutional Developments: Moving into Graduate Work | | | 167 | (17) |
| Graduate Work: Background and Beginnings | | | 169 | (2) |
| Graduate Expansion in the 1920s | | | 171 | (7) |
| Jesuit Self-Criticism and Reform | | | 178 | (6) |
| The Tribulations of the Thirties | | | 184 | (25) |
| Problems with Accreditation | | | 184 | (4) |
| Reorganization and Its Tensions | | | 188 | (9) |
| | 197 | (12) |
Part Three World War II and Postwar Crosscurrents | |
| World War II and Institutional Shifts | | | 209 | (26) |
| Specialized Wartime Programs | | | 211 | (4) |
| Research, Development, and Expanding Educational Horizons | | | 215 | (5) |
| Graduate Work and Related Developments | | | 220 | (6) |
| The Sister Formation Movement | | | 226 | (9) |
| Assimilative Tendencies and Curricular Crosscurrents | | | 235 | (26) |
| Catholic Colleges and the Race Issue | | | 235 | (5) |
| Catholics and the Postwar Student Movement | | | 240 | (6) |
| Debating the Liberal Arts | | | 246 | (4) |
| The Drive for Curricular Integration | | | 250 | (6) |
| | 256 | (5) |
| Controversy: Backlash Against the Catholic Revival | | | 261 | (22) |
| The Anti-Catholic Backlash | | | 261 | (3) |
| The Catholic Campaign Against Secularism | | | 264 | (4) |
| Secularism and the Family Crisis | | | 268 | (6) |
| John Courtney Murray and the Church-State Issue | | | 274 | (9) |
| | 283 | (22) |
| The Historical Recovery of Americanism | | | 283 | (4) |
| Self-Criticism and the Search for Excellence | | | 287 | (10) |
| The Splintering of the Scholastic Synthesis | | | 297 | (8) |
| | 305 | (18) |
| | 305 | (13) |
| | 318 | (5) |
Abbreviations Used in Notes | | 323 | (2) |
Notes | | 325 | (94) |
Index | | 419 | |