Herold, university librarian at University of Hawai'i at Manoa and forthcoming ACRL (Assn. of College & Research Libraries) president in 2016, provides a thorough overview of the various academic and research library leadership institutes in this edited work. Every past and present institute is accounted for, and specific details from literature read to the stories of actual participants are given. Common themes include leadership vs. management, the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace, and the need for mentoring. Suggestions for articles to read, timeframes for what to expect during and after the institute, and the pros and cons for each program are also provided. Each participant who shared their reflections from their time spent at the leadership institute seemed to glean useful information and practical strategies to push them into leadership positions or make them better at their current positions. Herold captures the essence of what it takes to be a leader in the library. VERDICT Highly recommended for librarians in any kind of leadership role, whether formally or informally, and any librarian who has aspirations to become a leader in the future. For research and academic libraries.—Jill Morningstar, Michigan State Univ. Libs., East Lansing