Table of Contents
About the Editors
Series Introduction - Sally M. Reis
Introduction to Creativity and Giftedness - Donald J. Treffinger
1. SES Synectics and Gifted Education Today - W. J. J. Gordon, T. Poze
2. Lessons About Giftedness and Creativity From a Nation of 115 Million Overachievers - E. Paul Torrance
3. The Use of Developmental Stage Theory in Helping Gifted Children Become Creative - John Curtis Gowan
4. Predicting the Creativity of Elementary School Children (1958-80) - and the Teacher Who "Made a Difference" - E. Paul Torrance
5. Personal Creative Thinking Techniques - Gary A. Davis
6. Facilitating Lifetime Creative Processes - A Think Piece - Calvin W. Taylor, Diane Sacks
7. Myth: Creativity Is Too Difficult To Measure - Joe Khatena
8. Developing Creative Excellence in Students: The Neglected History-Making Ingredient Which Would Keep Our Nation From Being at Risk - Calvin W. Taylor
9. The Role of Creativity in Identification of the Gifted and Talented - E. Paul Torrance
10. Research on Creativity - Donald J. Treffinger
11. Objectives and Activities for Teaching Creative Thinking - Gary A. Davis
12. Creative Productivity Among Secondary School Students: Combining Energy, Interest, and Imagination - Marcia A. B. Delcourt
13. Effects of a Creative Problem-Solving Curriculum on Students of Varying Ability Levels - Gina D. Schack
14. Creative Giftedness: A Multivariate Investment Approach - Robert J. Sternberg and Todd I. Lubart
15. Divergent Thinking, Creativity, and Giftedness - Mark A. Runco
16. Creativity and Giftedness: Published Instrument Uses and Abuses - Scott L. Hunsaker, Carolyn M. Callahan