"This book has an evocative blend of the "big picture" of IB in the age of globalization, and without missing a beat, hits all the key and more specific issues in IB today. These seasoned scholars launch into less chartered territory with spellbinding practicality that will keep everyone reading as though it was a fast moving great novel or mystery story. In reality, there is a bit of both here. Their varied cases are not just great fun, but they also provide great coverage from the traditional IB topics to newer ones (i.e., global e-commerce, CSR/corruption and international entrepreneurship). The authors' practical vision and their treatment of MNEs to SMIEs is refreshing, eloquently written and spot on target!" - Mary Ann Von Glinow, Knight Ridder Eminent Scholar Chair in International Management, Florida International University, USA; Former AIB and AOM President
"In today’s environment, the impact of the global world is touching each of our lives and our jobs. Managers and students need to learn how to operate in an uncertain and complex environment that has many stakeholders and different institutional structures. International Business by Shenkar, Luo, and Chi offers readers an extensive background in the basics of international business as well as masterfully providing useful insights into how to practice international business. The examples used throughout the text are up-to-date and practical, presenting wonderful opportunities to learn from the experiences of firms and managers operating in the global environment. The book will help managers and students who are both actively engaged in international business as well as those who are hoping to begin working in a global environment." - Marjorie A. Lyles, Chancellor's Professor and OneAmerica Chaired Professor in Business Administration, Indiana University, USA"International Business by Shenkar, Luo and Chi offers excellent comprehensive coverage of international business in the new global environment. The book is practically focused and up-to-date, with great student and instructor support. The book is written by three outstanding researchers in international business and it presenets a practical approach that is firmly grounded in cutting edge research." - Peter J. Buckley, Professor and Director of Business Confucius Institute, University of Leeds, UK