Table of Contents
Module 1: Introduction
Design Question 1: What Will I Do to Establish and Communicate Learning Goals, Track Student Progress, and Celebrate Success?
Module 2: Establishing and Communicating Learning Goals
Module 3: Designing and Using Formative Assessments
Design Question 2: What Will I Do to Help Students Effectively Interact with New Knowledge?
Module 4: Identifying Critical-Input Experiences and Using Previewing Strategies
Module 5: Using Cooperative Learning, Curriculum Chunking, and Descriptions, Discussions, and Predictions
Module 6: Helping Students Elaborate on New Content, Summarize and Represent Their Learning, and Reflect on Their Learning
Design Question 3: What Will I Do to Help Students Practice and Deepen Their Understanding of New Knowledge?
Module 7: Examining Similarities and Differences and Identifying Errors in Thinking
Module 8: Helping Students Practice Skills, Strategies, and Processes
Module 9: Using Homework and Academic Notebooks to Deepen Student Understanding
Design Question 4: What Will I Do to Help Students Generate and Test Hypotheses About New Knowledge?
Module 10: Teaching Students to Support Claims and Assertions with Evidence
Module 11: Hypothesis Testing and Higher-Order Thinking
Module 12: Engaging Students in Task Design, Cooperative Learning, and Self-Evaluation
Design Question 5: What Will I Do to Engage Students?
Module 13: Using Games and Inconsequential Competition to Promote Student Engagement
Module 14: Rules of Engagement: Questioning, Physical Movement, and Pacing
Module 15: Additional Cognitive, Affective, and Social Interaction Strategies for Promoting Student Engagement
Design Question 6: What Will I Do to Establish or Maintain Classroom Rules and Procedures?
Module 16: Effective Classroom Organization
Module 17: Establishing and Maintaining Classroom Rules and Procedures
Design Question 7: What Will I Do to Recognize and Acknowledge Adherence and Lack of Adherence to Classroom Rules and Procedures?
Module 18: Acknowledging Students' Adherence to Classroom Rules and Procedures
Module 19: Acknowledging Students' Lack of Adherence to Classroom Rules and Procedures
Design Question 8: What Will I Do to Establish and Maintain Effective Relationships with Students?
Module 20: Communicating Appropriate Levels of Concern and Cooperation
Module 21: Communicating Appropriate Levels of Guidance and Control Design Question 9: What Will I Do to Communicate High Expectations for All Students?
Module 22: Identifying High-Expectancy and Low-Expectancy Students
Module 23: Changing Behavior Toward Low-Expectancy Students
Design Question 10: What Will I Do to Develop Effective Lessons Organized into a Cohesive Unit?
Module 24: Identifying the Focus of a Unit
Module 25: Developing Effective Lessons
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