My personal motto – Living at the speed of Life – is also the simplest way to describe my life.
Having been born in Romania – a land of many magical tales, gorgeous mountains, beautiful music, and excellent food - I spent my youth before moving abroad to the United States exploring and experiencing wilderness, natural beauty, and meeting simple folks with millennia-old traditions.
While professionally speaking I am a filmmaker with experience ranging from various crew positions to producer and film professor, my long-time passion (since before I even knew about filmmaking) has been for the potential we all have, as living creatures, to evolve. I spent most of my young years reading everything I could find about philosophy and psychology and when I was fourteen of age I began studying Martial Arts, which also led me to intense practice of meditation, breathing techniques, as well as yoga.
Throughout my entire practice and my travels, I searched for the spiritual common denominator – a quest for the method that could bring people together, rather than divide them.
"Evolutionary Exploration" is the result of that quest. I hope you'll enjoy your reading, and above all - Keep Exploring.
Bogdan Heretoiu,
Author of "Evolutionary Exploration"