Discovering the Sun follows Fern, a fifteen-year-old girl who has grown up on the remote Orkney Islands of northern Scotland, who is preparing to leave home for the first time to attend boarding school. Faced with the prospect of being away from the familiarity of her loving family, she is apprehensive about what lies ahead. She is also preparing to take part in the nineteen-day Bahai Fast for the first time. Concerned that she will be an outsider because of her faith, Fern soon makes friends with a number of classmates and discovers that she is not the only one who comes from a slightly different background. She also comes to learn that the Fast cannot only be a source of nourishment for her and for others, but that tests and blessings can come from some unexpected directions. Along the way, Fern learns much about the Muslim faith from her friend, Rana, and discusses the Bible and Christianity with her roommate, Ingrid. Fern also finds that, although many of her classmates think its strange that she is participating in the Bahai Fast, they seem to respect her commitment to it. She spends much of her time in deep thought and contemplation, and ultimately grows to know herself better as a result of her experience.
Discovering the Sun follows Fern, a fifteen-year-old girl who has grown up on the remote Orkney Islands of northern Scotland, who is preparing to leave home for the first time to attend boarding school. Faced with the prospect of being away from the familiarity of her loving family, she is apprehensive about what lies ahead. She is also preparing to take part in the nineteen-day Bahai Fast for the first time. Concerned that she will be an outsider because of her faith, Fern soon makes friends with a number of classmates and discovers that she is not the only one who comes from a slightly different background. She also comes to learn that the Fast cannot only be a source of nourishment for her and for others, but that tests and blessings can come from some unexpected directions. Along the way, Fern learns much about the Muslim faith from her friend, Rana, and discusses the Bible and Christianity with her roommate, Ingrid. Fern also finds that, although many of her classmates think its strange that she is participating in the Bahai Fast, they seem to respect her commitment to it. She spends much of her time in deep thought and contemplation, and ultimately grows to know herself better as a result of her experience.
Discovering the Sun
176Discovering the Sun
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Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781618511058 |
Publisher: | Baha'i Publishing Trust, U.S. |
Publication date: | 06/08/2016 |
Sold by: | Barnes & Noble |
Format: | eBook |
Pages: | 176 |
File size: | 7 MB |
Age Range: | 12 - 16 Years |