Read an Excerpt
Divine Mother, Divine Father
Teachings on Inspired Living from our Heavenly Parents
By Donna D'Ingillo Origin Press
Copyright © 2017 Donna D'Ingillo
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-57983-048-9
Messages of Love From Our Divine Mother
Mother Spirit provides the divine container for our consciousness and our evolution. She abides at the literal center of our local universe home, and extends her lines of consciousness to pervade its vast expanse of space. She is the womb of life — the cosmic environment for all living things — and is the source of mind itself; our ability to think, feel, and act originate in her. We expand our consciousness within her divine person. Her angelic daughters, our unseen helpers, assist and guide us as we grow in comprehension of our destiny. She is also known as the Holy Spirit — the action of God. Our Divine Mother is always lovingly in touch with each one of us.
"The Spirit, as mortal creatures would understand, enacts the role of a mother."
"On the inhabited worlds, the [Mother] Spirit begins the work of evolutionary progression."
— The Urantia Book
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I Am Your Universe Mother
My beloved, your Mother of Light greets you. More and more are my children awakening to the call of my voice. The energy of my Mother-heart is touching all who live on this world, urging you into relationship with me. Look to the new ways of conducting your earthly affairs to see my hand at work and play. Look to the men and women who are softening their hard edges so they may see my gentility and grace spreading over this world. Many more will awaken and hear my call. I am your Universe Mother, and I desire a deep and passionate relationship with you.
Each time you treat one another with kindness, you humanize me. Each time you forgive an injustice, you bring more of me onto this world. Each time you think and act creatively to benefit the greater whole, you fulfill me. Yes, you children are the ones who bring me to life and spread my love over the globe. I act within you, and you activate me by your desire to know me and carry the ways of Spirit into your reality.
Think of me more during your day, and we will bring the ways of love, truth, and goodness into the world. You are the carriers of my love, and I will help you complete your tasks with beauty and ease when you come to me during your day. Let the action of Spirit create the magic you seek in your life, and allow me to give you enhanced skills and tools to master the craft of weaving the spell of goodness and light wherever you walk.
I am your Mother and I bring all good things to you. Together we will create beauty and splendor on this world. Together we will build heaven on Earth, and all the Earth will rejoice and sing the praises of the Creator. Together we will be as ONE.
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Come to Know Your Divine Parents
My beloved child, this is your Mother who speaks! Coming to know your Spirit Parents can sometimes be challenging. Many patterns in your consciousness arising from your early home life are deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind and even your body. Some of the memories stored within these patterns are hurtful, because you did not receive sufficient love and appreciation for who you truly are as a child of God. Your innate divine dignity was not validated. Having parents who did not honor you in this way makes it difficult for you to understand that having a personal relationship with your Divine Father and with me as your Divine Mother is for your highest good. It may not be easy for you to accept that we will give you the love and approval you require.
When you begin to develop a relationship with us, you will be given an opportunity to receive the love, appreciation, validation, and honoring of yourself that you truly desire. You will be embraced just as you are, and all of the negative memories of your childhood can then be seen through our eyes of love. You will find the forgiveness you need to let go of your hurt and accept the higher lessons that your early years have to offer. There are many lessons within lessons at all levels of life, but during these formative years you don't have the experiential capacity to understand them from a more mature perspective. Now you do, with our help.
It is by your coming to us that we can share with you a new way to look at your experiences and your life, one that will fill you with hope and encouragement, peace and validation — a way that uplifts your intellect and satisfies your soul. You have so much to gain by building your relationship with your Divine Mom and Dad, and we want nothing more than to give you the love you deserve!
Will you come to us each day in the quiet of your heart and receive our love? This is your choice. We can only present ourselves and wait for you. The way is open. Will you allow the needs of your heart to fully open the door to us?
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Ask Me to Refresh You
Beloved child, your Mother in Spirit greets you! I am here inside your mind at all times, creating that web of light that captures your Father's essence to renew you. Struggle no longer with your cares and worries. I can breathe fresh air into your mind and body. I give you the insight and compassion you need to carry on with your daily life. Call on me and I will respond.
You need these pauses to give you the stamina to complete your day in a state of peace and composure. It is possible to ride the waves of turbulence with a sense of serenity and fortitude when you open yourself up to me consciously throughout your day. Try this right now. Ask me to refresh you. See how this feels!
You carry on with your concerns alone at times — or so you feel. However, this is never the case! Your Father loves you and is here to strengthen and uplift you into a new perspective on your life. I love you and can build you in these new ideas. Yet you must ask for us, and you must be willing to still your mind if you want to perceive what we long to give you.
Quiet your mind. Open your heart. Ask us to renew you. Be still and wait. We will respond. Your time of peaceful replenishment is here. Take as much as you need and then go forth joyfully, knowing that we are there whenever you turn inward and ask. My beloveds, come to me and receive what I long to give you: peace, peace, peace!
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Familiarize Yourself with Who I Am
My child, come into the presence of your Mother. When you read my words, also ask for an infusion of my Spirit-presence into your body. Become familiar with who I am and how I feel in you.
You are not alone, and you are deeply loved beyond words or expression. When you ask for my presence to invigorate you, ask for the love I have for you to intensify in your body. Feel it. Know it. Claim it. Become it! Love is more than a feeling; it is actually a wave fluctuation that configures matter and changes all things into models of beauty, truth, and goodness.
Love is what you are becoming, my child. Your vessel of love is getting stronger and more useful to us as your Divine Parents. Come into me, moment by moment, and you will indeed grow into the love that is the source of all good things in the universe.
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First Be in Order to Receive
Come into my heart, my little one. This is your Mother, and my heart is longing for you! You and I are connected, and you are gaining more awareness of this as you continue to turn your attention to me. Soon you will be fully awake and aware of the songs and sounds of love beating within. Claim this more and more each day, and I will grow you in both faith and love.
Allow your days to unfold with the awareness of a subtle energy that moves you gracefully from situation to situation. You largely live your days focused on what you must do. I encourage and invite you to focus your days more on what you want to be. Being creative, being patient, being kind, being understanding, being forgiving — these are the "being" parts of your consciousness where I have the most impact. When you be, you receive. But when you do, you expend. Energy intake or outflow is always occurring. So, it is always best to first be and then do. First receive, then give.
Allow these words to soak into your mind and body, and ask your body to become more accustomed to the pure state of being. Then, when you feel ready, move forward and do something. Notice how it feels in your body when you first receive and then respond. When you interact like this you carry me along with you, as well as all I wish to share with you — grace, gentleness, and goodness. And, you will be a delight to be around!
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Connect with My Heartbeat
Greetings, my child! This is your Mother. Listen to your heartbeat. Can you feel it? This is my voice echoing within your body. You are connected to the very essence of life itself. Can you sense it? You are always with me, and I am always with you. By coming into your heartbeat more and more will you find my presence within you. That will allow me to continually build you in the essence of truth, peace, and love.
As you read this message, focus on the internal feelings that you sense. Where do you feel resistance in your body? Ask me to go there. Feel your heart beat as I move in you. Where do you feel pain? Ask me to go there as well. Feel your pain diminish as I expand my love into you. Where do you feel sorrow? Ask me to enter into it. Feel your sadness melt away as I bring you joy and hope. Where do you feel anger? Ask me to go there too. Feel your hostility yield as I bring you peace.
More and more shall I invite you to come into me! It is the experience of feeling me in you that deepens the trust-bond that links you to Spirit. You have a mighty intellect that has served you well in providing you with an understanding of what spiritual growth can do to improve your life. Now you are being encouraged to come into your heart — that inner place where I can fill you with everything you need to be happy and successful in life.
No more do you need to control your life and try to figure everything out for yourself. By simply coming into the heartbeat of stillness, you will attain that which you require for self-sustenance. You will be led faithfully and steadily each day to receive what you need to meet your daily needs. Did you not hear the words of your Lord's Prayer: "Give us this day our daily bread"? And so it is! We give you what you need. Come into me and receive.
My child, your world is changing so fast. The lives of many have spun out of control. By coming into me more and more each day through feeling your heartbeat in your stillness practice, you will find the stabilizing anchor you need to make sense of the chaos all around you. Let me help you through this turbulent time. I am here whenever you call. I am your Mother, and I build you in the peace that passes all understanding. Take it! It's yours!
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Expand Your Capacity to Live Within Us
My little child, your Mother greets you this day! As you journey through this season of renewal, I encourage you to ask yourself what you would like your Father and me to foster within you. What quality of his being do you need to renew within yourself? It is patience, forgiveness, courage, tolerance, non-judgment, mercy, understanding, peace? Or is it all of the above? We can build within you whatever quality of goodness you may wish to embody — in those places of your need. Spiritual growth means expanding your capacity to live within us. We add those spirit threads into you that bring these divine attributes into your daily experience.
You show what you are made of by your actions. Do your actions represent these qualities of goodness, or are your actions of a different sort? If they are of a different sort, just come to us. Ask us to build within you those attributes that will ultimately change your responses into more Godly actions.
It is time to embody these ways of Spirit and to continually ask for renewal of our being into yours. You have many habits that do not favor your spiritual growth. Yet, each of these can be exchanged a little at a time by asking us to renew you in something better, especially when you are in the midst of a habitual behavior pattern. Why not instead develop this good habit of coming to us each time you catch yourself in your ingrained habits? We can help you step out of them each and every time.
You built these old habits over the course of your life. Now we invite you to turn to us and ask us to help you rebuild your life based on new habit patterns — the ones we instill in you. We will respond, and you will delight in what you will see growing in you — the attributes of God coming to life in a human being. How glorious to see our Spirit and your human will conjoin to yield a person of goodness and beauty, living in truth and love!
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Walk Boldly Into My Arms
My child, this is your Mother, who holds you in love. Prepare yourselves for change! My ways are coming more and more to the forefront of the world's consciousness. The presence of my motherliness is weaving itself around the planet and increasingly holding the world in love.
Many people have seen the light of truth. Many are coming into the fullness of their heart, and it is my desire that every child awaken to the goodness and beauty that is carefully safeguarded within each soul. You can grow this soul-awareness by coming more fully into the presence of my Spirit that beats resoundingly within your heart.
Know that you can only change for the better, my child! Change is being brought into your being through a spiritual circuit that is crafting itself around and through you, imprinting upon you my threads of love-light. Invite these threads to embrace you through and through. Be not afraid to ask for even more light to come into your mind and body, for it is I who builds this new reality within you.
As your Mother, I can fill every part of you that craves the light. I can reshape the patterns in your mind and body that have been sitting in darkness for many years. I can gently graft new forms of Spirit-influence onto those places in your body where fear and isolation have been resident. And all of the endowments of light I build into you will change you forever. Seek this more and more in the coming days, and we will share the joy of your awakening in a glorious celebration. The angels will rejoice with me as another child comes fully into the God-self that is your heritage.
Yes, change is all around you, my beloveds. Walk boldly into my arms and present yourselves to me for an upstepping into a new reality that we will build together. Greater joys for your life are still to come. Know that the transition from chaos to glory is part of the adventure; you will soon see more meaning in the transformation of your old self into this new way of living. Trust me as your Mother to help you access the faith you need to go fully into the changes awaiting you, and surely you will rejoice at the new you being born.
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You Are Capable of Being Encoded with Love
My beautiful child, so young at heart, so precious to me! Your Mother speaks to you now, enfolding you in my arms and holding you close. What you seek is inside of you, waiting to birth new ideas and feelings of how deeply you are loved. While your body may hold many subconscious memories of lack and deprivation, I tell you this is simply not so! You are loved, you are wanted, you are necessary, and you are important to me, to your Father, and to the universe itself.
Beyond the knowingness of the intellect lies the longing in the human heart to be united and unified with your Divine Source. Let go, my child, let go! Let go of what you know and have attached yourself to. Let go of your expectations. Your Father and I know what is inside of you and how to help you achieve your heart's longing. Let go into us, and we will build a new reality in you that attracts to you everything good, beautiful, and true.
You have been deeply indoctrinated with negative words that have created a living language in your being that dominates your thinking. Allow us to bring our language of love into you — peace, forgiveness, understanding, harmony, oneness — and see how this feels when it enters your being. Sit in stillness and ask us to encode this positive language into your heart and body. Allow it to mingle within your being, wrapping its dynamic energies into the places where there is lack. All of your being is capable of being encoded with love, and now is the time to receive what we wish to share with you.
My child, open yourself to me as much as you can. Your Father and I will bring you into the fullness of your heart and help you develop a more expansive mind. We will fill you with a certainty of self that will delight you all of your days and bring you great joy! Receive this now with a grateful heart and know that you can enjoy this gift whenever you turn to us.
Excerpted from Divine Mother, Divine Father by Donna D'Ingillo. Copyright © 2017 Donna D'Ingillo. Excerpted by permission of Origin Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
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