"This documentary, which examines the use of atomic weapons during World War II and their political and moral consequences, has been given a simple presentation for its release on DVD. Lifting The Fog: The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been transf
Side #1 -- 1. Introduction [2:49] 2. Discovery of Atomic Energy [6:37] 3. Defining the Enemy [3:28] 4. Developing the Atom Bomb [6:04] 5. Ethics and the Bomb [5:15] 6. Targeting Japan [7:50] 7. Conditions for Japanese Surrender [5:52] 8. Warning to the Japanese [5:13] 9. Bombing of Hiroshima [5:14] 10. The Soviet Union Declares War [1:06] 11. Japanese Surrender [7:05] 12. Credits [1:59]