Part I: Overview: Forging US-China Partnership in the age of Strategic Distrust 1. Building New Vital Mutual interests for a Better Future: Joining the Wang Jisi and Kenneth Lieberthal’s "Addressing U.S.-China Strategic Distrust" 2. The United States and China in the Age of Obama: Looking Each Other Straight in the Eyes 3. Forging Sino-U.S. Partnership in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges Part II: American Anxiety and Responses to China’s Rise 4. Shaping the Regional Context of China’s Rise: How the Obama Administration Brought back Hedge in its Engagement with China 5. The Olympic effect on American attitudes towards China: Beyond personality, ideology, and media exposure 6.Americans and the Rise of China as a World Power 7. The "China Threat" through the Lens of U.S. Print Media: 1992-2006 Part III: Chinese Perspectives of the New Relationship with the US 8. Sino-US Relations and Building a Harmonious World 9. Cooperation Opportunity or Confrontation Catalyst? The Implications of China’s naval development for China-US relations 10. The Role of Nontraditional Security in China-US Relations: Common Ground or Contradictory Arena? Part IV: Implications of Evolving US-China Relationship for the Asian-Pacific Region 11. Assessing China’s Rise and U.S. Leadership in Asia: Growing Maturity and Balance? 12. Locating transition: the prospect for a U.S.-China transition in Asia 13. The Shifting Triangle: Sino-Japanese-American Relations in Stressful Times 14. Rapprochement between Taiwan and the Chinese Mainland: Implications for American Foreign Policy