This blood-filled action drama represents Oliver Stone's entry into the venerated tradition of Bonny and Clyde. The film is divided into two parts; stylistically the film resembles an acid trip with a myriad of color, black and white images, and off kilter camera work. The first half chronicles the cross-country killing spree of the young couple who shot and killed 52 people. The second half is perhaps more horrific than the first as the two become cultural heroes. Mickey and Mallory are deeply in love. They show their love by killing; they really enjoy it. During the spree they gain national notoriety after they appear on a tabloid TV show: "American Maniacs," hosted by Wayne Gale. They are finally captured after they kill a kindly Native American who provided hospitality for them. They are imprisoned and Wayne Gale, shooting for his highest ratings ever, interviews them from prison on Super Bowl Sunday. Simultaneously, the prison warden has decided to end the lives of the famous duo and hires a hitman to do it quietly. During the interview, Mickey senses something is amiss and he starts an enormous riot. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Mickey and Mallory escape.