"Michael Ritchie's The Couch Trip follows a long line of Hollywood films (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Disorderly Orderly) in which the psychos are seen as saner than the psyches. Charles Grodin plays Dr. George Maitlin, a pompous radio self-help
Side #1 -- 1. Main Title/Jump for Joy [6:58] 2. Morning Madness [1:43] 3. A Little Carried Away [2:29] 4. Asylum Deluxe [2:23] 5. Making Ends Meet [8:51] 6. Departure and Arrival [10:31] 7. Role Play [3:58] 8. On the Air [9:08] 9. Share & Share Alike [4:45] 10. The Game of Life [7:53] 11. So Close, Yet So Far [2:07] 12. Saving and Trust [5:03] 13. The Real Dr. Baird [7:30] 14. Hokey-Pokey [9:32] 15. Saving a Life [7:44] 16. Being Crazy/End Credits [7:02]
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