"This animated sequel to the hit The Care Bears Movie gets a simple but effective presentation for its release on DVD. The Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation has been transferred to disc in the full-frame aspect ratio of 1.33:1. The audio has been mast
Digitally mastered audio & video ; Remastered in high definition ; Full-screen presentation ; English audio; English, French, and Spanish subtitles; Bonus trailers ; Interactive menus ; Scene selections
Side #1 -- 1. Start 2. Trapped! 3. "Flying My Colors" 4. The Caring Meter 5. First Mission 6. Noble Heart & the Cubs 7. Lost 8. "I Care for You" 9. Dark Heart's Bargain 10. "Growing Up" 11. Camp Champ 12. The Caring Meter Reader 13. Time to Repay the Favor 14. Heading Into a Trap 15. Christy Saves Dark Heart 16. Dark Heart's Evil Influence 17. The Hall of Hearts 18. "The Fight Song" 19. Spider's Trap 20. Dark Heart's Shadow 21. Caught! 22. Reunited Friends 23. Retrieving the Key 24. Christy Takes a Stand 25. "We Care!" 26. "I'm a Real Boy!" 27. "Flying My Colors" (Reprise) 28. "Forever Young