In this romantic comedy, a manicurist after being jilted one time too many decides to harden her heart against love, and look for financial security instead. She journeys to Manhattan and meets a handsome, wealthy man in a wheelchair. He falls madly in love with her and has every intention of marrying her. Meanwhile, a playboy from an impoverished aristocratic family is preparing to marry a wealthy socialite to restore his fortune. The playboy meets the manicurist when he saunters into her shop one day. He invites her to dine. She, thinking he is rich, accepts. To pay for the repast, the man uses the money his fiance had given him for a vacation in Bermuda. At dinner he gets very drunk and ends up spending the night in her tiny apartment; the next day, when she gets back from work, he tells her the truth about his family. By this time she doesn't care; her hard heart has melted and she is madly in love. They decide to marry as soon as he can find a job. Their wealthy fiances are left behind without a backward glance.