Set during Prohibition, this crime melodrama tells the tale of two bootleggers and an upscale speakeasy. Rumrunners Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster have a thriving business until they find themselves racing up to an enormous police roadblock while running a fresh supply of hooch to their club one night. Realizing that all will be lost if they are both captured, the pair quickly make a pact. One will run on foot while the other drives to the roadblock. The one who successfully escapes is to maintain the club and save half the profits for the other. Unlucky Lancaster gets caught and spends 14 years in prison. He spends most of that time angrily dreaming of revenge and soon after his release, he sets out to get it. By this time, Douglas has turned the nightclub into a lucrative venture. Unfortunately for Lancaster, he is unwilling to share in the profits and quickly sets his accountant to doctoring the books to ensure that the vengeful Lancaster gets nothing. It's a big mistake on Douglas's part, and eventually, after much conniving, double-crossing and even a murder, he gets what's coming to him.