This fun Sesame Street follows Elmo on a reading adventure, as a bunch of word-hungry pirates - led by comedian Tina Fey -- are eager to take all the booty from his bookshelves. Now Elmo is excited about reading too, and that might just mean becoming a book pirate himself.
Disc #1 -- Sesame Street: Elmo and the Bookaneers 1. Elmo and the Bookaneers [13:44] 2. Bert & Ernie's Adventures: Pirates! [6:13] 3. I Love Words With Abby [10:36] 4. Elmo's World: Books [15:59]
Disc #1 -- Sesame Street: Elmo and the Bookaneers Play Chapters Options Language English Spanish Subtitles English Spanish Off Extras Previews Elmo and Abby's Birthday Fun Bedtime With Elmo Elmo Loves You