A one…A two…A one, two, three, four…!How’s that then, for a classic intro…?But wait a minute…That’s more of a song intro, innit…?And this is more of a story, innit…?So, let’s start again, shall we…?Hi…How are you…?I’m Stanski…Now, don’t worry, I’m not as bad as I seem…I’m a strugling author… Not a tortured artist…!The thing is, I’ve written these books…For people to read…Do you like reading…?Everyone loves a good read, don’t they..?Anyway, I’ve got these books… That I’ve written…I know, you don’t know which books…I’m just getting round to telling you about them, aren’t I…?The thing is…If you want something doing… You might as well do it for yourself…So…I wrote these books myself…Now…These books…Y’know… The ones I’ve written… But haven’t got round to telling you about yet…These books that I’ve written… That I’m telling you about now…Will be available, very soon, for you to download…From Smashwords…To your PC, Tablet, or Mobile Phone…!In fact, pretty much anything connected to the internet…!Thanks to the miracle of modern technology…!It never ceases to amaze…Does it…?A Bit Of BackgroundStanski is the kind of guy who doesn’t do things by half measures.For example, he’s the guy who went to Thailand in 1999, to see in the New Millennium.He enjoyed it there so much that he decided to stay on for a while.He didn’t return to the UK until October…October 2010…!Stanski began writing in earnest in 2005 while recovering from a motorcycle accident, in the northern city of Chiangmai, in which he sustained serious head injuries.Since then, he has completed four novels, and is currently writing a fifth.Examples of verse by Stanski can be found on his Blog, ‘Elephant Small’says-sir-ten.blogspot.com