| Preface | 9 |
Part 1 | What Is Apologetics? | |
1 | Defining Apologetics | 17 |
| From Apologia to Apologetics | |
| Apologetics and Related Terms | |
| The Functions of Apologetics | |
2 | A Brief History of Apologetics | 25 |
| Apologetics in the New Testament | |
| The Early Church Fathers | |
| The Reformation | |
| Apologetics Faces Skepticism | |
| The Rise of Modern Apologetics | |
3 | Issues and Methods in Apologetics | 55 |
| Four Types of Apologetic Systems | |
| Issues in Apologetics | |
Part 2 | Apologetics as Proof | |
4 | Apologists Who Emphasize Reason | 71 |
| Historical Roots of Classical Apologetics | |
| B. B. Warfield | |
| C. S. Lewis | |
| Norman L. Geisler | |
| Peter Kreeft | |
| William Lane Craig | |
5 | Classical Apologetics: A Reasonable Faith | 91 |
| Rational Tests for Determining Truth | |
| The Foundation of Theology | |
| The Constructive Use of Philosophy | |
| Christianity Consistent with Science | |
| Revelation Confirmed in History | |
| Proof from Experience | |
6 | Proving the Christian Worldview | 109 |
| Scripture as Conclusion | |
| Disproving Other Worldviews | |
| Proving God's Existence | |
| The Deductive Problem of Evil | |
| Miracles as the Credentials of Revelation | |
| Jesus: The Alternatives | |
7 | Apologetics and the Limits of Reason | 135 |
| The Classical Apologetics Model | |
| Classical Apologetics Illustrated | |
| The Strengths of Classical Apologetics | |
| The Weaknesses of Classical Apologetics | |
Part 3 | Apologetics as Defense | |
8 | Apologists Who Emphasize Fact | 159 |
| Historical Roots of Evidentialism | |
| Joseph Butler | |
| James Orr | |
| Clark H. Pinnock | |
| John Warwick Montgomery | |
| Richard Swinburne | |
9 | Evidentialist Apologetics: Faith Founded on Fact | 177 |
| Methods for Discovering Truth | |
| The Defense of Theology | |
| Critical Use of Philosophy | |
| Christianity Vindicated by Science | |
| History as the Medium of Revelation | |
| Experience Founded on Evidence | |
10 | Presenting Evidence That Demands a Verdict | 203 |
| Scripture as Source | |
| The Uniqueness of Christianity | |
| The Case for God | |
| The Inductive Problem of Evil | |
| Miracles as Evidence for God | |
| Jesus: The Evidence | |
11 | Apologetics and the Interpretation of Fact | 227 |
| The Evidentialist Model | |
| Evidentialism Illustrated | |
| The Strengths of Evidentialist Apologetics | |
| The Weaknesses of Evidentialist Apologetics | |
Part 4 | Apologetics as Offense | |
12 | Apologists Who Emphasize Revelation | 249 |
| John Calvin | |
| Modern Roots of the Reformed Approach | |
| Herman Dooyeweerd | |
| Cornelius Van Til | |
| Gordon H. Clark | |
| Alvin Plantinga | |
13 | Reformed Apologetics: Christianity in Conflict | 287 |
| Biblical Standard for Defining Truth | |
| The Vindication of Reformed Theology | |
| Toward a Christian Philosophy | |
| Christianity Against False Science | |
| Revelation as Interpreting History | |
| The Problem with Experience | |
14 | Taking Every Thought Captive | 315 |
| Scripture as Foundation | |
| Antithesis Between Christian and Non-Christian Religion | |
| Belief in God as Basic | |
| The Theological Problem of Evil | |
| Miracles as Revealed by God | |
| Jesus: The Self-Attesting Christ of Scripture | |
15 | Apologetics and the Authority of Revelation | 341 |
| The Reformed Apologetics Model | |
| Reformed Apologetics Illustrated | |
| The Strengths of Reformed Apologetics | |
| The Weaknesses of Reformed Apologetics | |
Part 5 | Apologetics as Persuasion | |
16 | Apologists Who Emphasize Faith | 363 |
| Historical Roots of Fideism | |
| Martin Luther | |
| Blaise Pascal | |
| Soren Kierkegaard | |
| Karl Barth | |
| Donald G. Bloesch | |
17 | Fideist Apologetics: Reasons of The Heart | 393 |
| Divine Call to Obey the Truth | |
| Making Theology Personal | |
| Critiquing the God of the Philosophers | |
| Christianity and the Reality Beyond Science | |
| Revelation as Transcending History | |
| Faith Is Experience | |
18 | Calling People to Encounter God in Jesus Christ | 417 |
| Scripture as Witness | |
| Christian Faith: Not Another Religion | |
| To Know God Is to Know God Exists | |
| The Personal Problem of Evil | |
| Miracles as God Revealing Himself | |
| Jesus: The Christ of Faith | |
19 | Apologetics and the Subjectivity of Faith | 435 |
| The Fideist Model | |
| Fideism Illustrated | |
| The Strengths of Fideism | |
| The Weaknesses of Fideism | |
Part 6 | An Integrative Approach | |
20 | Apologists Who Favor Integration | 451 |
| Precursors of Integrative Approaches | |
| Edward John Carnell | |
| Francis A. Schaeffer | |
| David K. Clark | |
| C. Stephen Evans | |
| John M. Frame | |
21 | Contending for the Faith: Apologetics and Human Knowledge | 509 |
| Perspectival Approaches to Defending Truth | |
| Apologetics and Theology | |
| Apologetics and Philosophy | |
| Christianity and Science | |
| Revelation and History | |
| Apologetics and Experience | |
22 | Reasons for Hope: Integrating Diverse Arguments in Apologetics | 523 |
| Scripture as Truth | |
| Myth, Truth, and Religion | |
| God Who Makes Himself Known | |
| Solutions to the Problems of Evil | |
| Miracles as Signs | |
| Jesus: The Answer | |
23 | Speaking the Truth in Love: Perspectives on Apologetics | 535 |
| One Body, Many Gifts: How Apologists Differ | |
| One World, Many Individuals: How People Differ | |
| One Process, Many Stages: How Apologetic Needs Differ | |
| One Faith, Many Questions: How Apologetic Problems Differ | |
| Metapologetics: Four Approaches | |
| Apologetics: Four Approaches | |
Appendix A | Categorizing Apologetic Methods | 547 |
Appendix B | Apologetics Web Sites | 553 |
| For Further Study | 555 |
| List of Tables and Charts | 593 |
| Name Index | 594 |
| Subject Index | 599 |
| Scripture Index | 608 |