Finding True Magic: Transpersonal Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy/NLP / Edition 2

Finding True Magic: Transpersonal Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy/NLP / Edition 2

by Jack Elias
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Five Wisdoms Press
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Five Wisdoms Press
Finding True Magic: Transpersonal Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy/NLP / Edition 2

Finding True Magic: Transpersonal Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy/NLP / Edition 2

by Jack Elias
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Finding True Magic is the primary training text for the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy/NLP Certification Program offered by the Institute for Therapeutic Learning. Finding True Magic and the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy/NLP trainings are appropriate for laypeople seeking personal growth, as well as for therapists and other professionals intent on advancing their therapeutic skills. In fact, about 50 per cent of ITL students take the training primarily for personal development.

This book explores the possibilities for recognizing and freeing ourselves from a destructive process of perceiving, thinking, and acting that can be viewed as a pernicious worldwide epidemic. Unlike other diseases, which we strive to isolate and cure, this insidious fever has a characteristic that makes us blind to its presence: we come to identify its symptoms as our very own true self. We lovingly speak of this disease as our ego, our sense of limited separate selfhood. Jack Elias calls it "egoic-minding," because it is a process, not a thing.

Egoic-minding is a fragmented, biased way of perceiving and thinking. It can be viewed as a sort of destructive hypnotic trance that causes us to experience each other as strangers, as different, as threats. The delirium of this trance causes us to do violence to each other and to our world, without ever recognizing that it (our egoic thought process) is the true enemy.

By synthesizing insights and techniques of Eastern and Western philosophy and psychology, Finding True Magic explores various ways to disperse the feverish trance of egoic-minding, heal the trauma it causes, and wake us up to the sacred magic of our true Self. This true inner Self is the wellspring of our capacity for cooperation, community-building, and the celebration of life.

Everyone has the right to the make use of the essential insights and dynamics of healing communication, without resorting to the long-term expense of a professional intermediary. The model of such therapeutic relationships has changed in recent years, due to the financial burdens it places on our medical system. Financial considerations aside, however, therapy and therapists should change simply because there is a more effective approach to healing and personal growth.

That approach, which is the subject of this book, relies on the inherent goodness of our shared Being, a resource that is surprisingly easy to contact in the space between egoic thoughts. Most of us do not experience that space in the normal course of our thinking, however. We may be surprised to hear such a thing, given our experience of the seemingly impenetrable stream of our thoughts. But this space is quite real. It is the space of Silence, Healing Power, and Insight.

We have all experienced this silence on occasion, perhaps through prayer, or in a tender moment of love or awe. Most of us have not been taught, and have remained unaware that this silent Presence is always so close and available. Holistic mind/body therapeutic techniques, such as those presented here, derive transformative power when they help us to tap into this willing Presence, also called Grace.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780965521017
Publisher: Five Wisdoms Press
Publication date: 12/28/2005
Pages: 347
Product dimensions: 8.40(w) x 11.00(h) x 0.80(d)
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

Jack Elias is an internationally respected Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and NLP trainer and coach since 1988. His book, Finding True Magic: Transpersonal Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy/NLP, is a ground-breaking classic synthesizing Eastern & Western healing insights and techniques. Visit his website and blog at

Table of Contents

Phase ITranspersonal Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
1What Is Hypnosis?1
2How to Induce and Facilitate Trance15
3Levels of Trance27
4Elements of Hypnotic Communication31
5Structure of a Hypnotherapy Session43
6The Nature of the Egoic Mind45
7Suggestibility Games47
8Quick Inductions51
9Progressive Relaxation59
10Progressive Relaxation: An Alternative67
11Self-hypnosis Induction71
12Self hypnosis Format75
13The Coma State79
Phase IIRegression Therapy, NLP & Eastern Philosophy
1Models of the Psyche: Concepts of Reality87
2Accessing the True Self/Inner Self/Higher Self93
3Regression/Past Life Therapy97
4Regression Script101
5Regression Script: Preliminary Practice Version107
6Models and Concepts: The Five Skandhas, Six Realms, and NLP113
7Emotions: Freeing the Energy of Life129
8Past Life Regression Script137
9Anchoring: Taking Advantage of the Reactivity of the Egoic Mind143
10Visual Accessing Cues151
Phase IIISubpersonality Therapy
1Subpersonality or Parts Therapy157
2Dialogue with a Subpersonality163
3Inner Guidance169
4Accessing the Inner Guide171
5Resolving Conflicts Between Parts or Subpersonalities175
6Important Factors in Managing Trance Communication181
7Problem Resolution: Using Subpersonality Dialogue and Regression189
Phase IVPractical Strategies for Common Problems
1Shame and the Addictive Personality199
2Treatment of Addictive and Compulsive Phenomena211
3Anesthesia and Pain Relief217
4Review: Submodalities, Time Structures, and Tonglen221
5Clinical Scripts239
Phase VHypnotherapy Using Myths & Archetypes
1Superconscious Considerations: Archetypes, Myths, Poetics of the Psyche255
2Pantheon of the Gods: Archetypes of the Zodiac263
3Archetypal Forms: Focus, Manifestations, and Vocations265
4Application of Archetypal Information267
5Induction for Accessing Archetypes273
6Archetypal Formations and Evolution277
7Male Archetypes283
8Female Archetypes291
9Induction for Accessing Archetypes: Work with Polarities297
Phase VISpecialized Applications of Hypnotherapy
1The Shadow305
2Shadow Script307
3Entity Releasing313
4Entity Release: Simple Depossession Script319
5Checklist of Indicators of Attachment321
6Accessing and Evaluating Probable Futures323
7Hypnosis with Couples325
8Group Hypnosis327
9Creating and Nurturing a Dynamic Practice329
Also Available from Five Wisdoms Press345
Order Form346


My approach to hypnotherapy is transpersonal. I believe that the client's goal, whether or not she realizes it consciously, is to be whole and at peace with herself all the time. Attaining this wholeness and peace is my intention working with clients and students.

In my view, this intention must be contemplated by prospective hypnotherapists with passion, curiosity, and perseverance. Their success with clients will be directly proportionate to how deeply they cultivate this contemplation and make it relevant to their own secret inner life.

To be passionate and curious, contemplation of this sort must be free of any standard of success. You must be free of fear or hope that you will or will not be successful.You must do such contemplation purely for the sake of learning…learning for its own sake...discovering that even so-called success or failure is merely a label for a certain kind of learning whose fundamental value lies beyond these conditioned judgments. Learning is a whole body/being process.

To be fully engaged in the process of learning is to be fully alive, moment by moment. To experience being fully alive is the ultimate goal of this course—to be awake, free from all trances of the egoic mind.

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