| Preface | XV |
| A Brief Glossary of Notations | XXII |
Part 1 | Linear Static Analysis | |
1 | Fundamental Concepts; A Simple One-Dimensional Boundary-Value Problem | 1 |
1.1 | Introductory Remarks and Preliminaries | 1 |
1.2 | Strong, or Classical, Form of the Problem | 2 |
1.3 | Weak, or Variational, Form of the Problem | 3 |
1.4 | Eqivalence of Strong and Weak Forms; Natural Boundary Conditions | 4 |
1.5 | Galerkin's Approximation Method | 7 |
1.6 | Matrix Equations; Stiffness Matrix K | 9 |
1.7 | Examples: 1 and 2 Degrees of Freedom | 13 |
1.8 | Piecewise Linear Finite Element Space | 20 |
1.9 | Properties of K | 22 |
1.10 | Mathematical Analysis | 24 |
1.11 | Interlude: Gauss Elimination; Hand-calculation Version | 31 |
1.12 | The Element Point of View | 37 |
1.13 | Element Stiffness Matrix and Force Vector | 40 |
1.14 | Assembly of Global Stiffness Matrix and Force Vector; LM Array | 42 |
1.15 | Explicit Computation of Element Stiffness Matrix and Force Vector | 44 |
1.16 | Exercise: Bernoulli-Euler Beam Theory and Hermite Cubics | 48 |
Appendix 1.I | An Elementary Discussion of Continuity, Differentiability, and Smoothness | 52 |
| References | 55 |
2 | Formulation of Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary-Value Problems | 57 |
2.1 | Introductory Remarks | 57 |
2.2 | Preliminaries | 57 |
2.3 | Classical Linear Heat Conduction: Strong and Weak Forms; Equivalence | 60 |
2.4 | Heat Conduction: Galerkin Formulation; Symmetry and Positive-definiteness of K | 64 |
2.5 | Heat Conduction: Element Stiffness Matrix and Force Vector | 69 |
2.6 | Heat Conduction: Data Processing Arrays ID, IEN, and LM | 71 |
2.7 | Classical Linear Elastostatics: Strong and Weak Forms; Equivalence | 75 |
2.8 | Elastostatics: Galerkin Formulation, Symmetry, and Positive-definiteness of K | 84 |
2.9 | Elastostatics: Element Stiffness Matrix and Force Vector | 90 |
2.10 | Elastostatics: Data Processing Arrays ID, IEN, and LM | 92 |
2.11 | Summary of Important Equations for Problems Considered in Chapters 1 and 2 | 98 |
2.12 | Axisymmetric Formulations and Additional Exercises | 101 |
| References | 107 |
3 | Isoparametric Elements and Elementary Programming Concepts | 109 |
3.1 | Preliminary Concepts | 109 |
3.2 | Bilinear Quadrilateral Element | 112 |
3.3 | Isoparametric Elements | 118 |
3.4 | Linear Triangular Element; An Example of "Degeneration" | 120 |
3.5 | Trilinear Hexahedral Element | 123 |
3.6 | Higher-order Elements; Lagrange Polynomials | 126 |
3.7 | Elements with Variable Numbers of Nodes | 132 |
3.8 | Numerical Integration; Gaussian Quadrature | 137 |
3.9 | Derivatives of Shape Functions and Shape Function Subroutines | 146 |
3.10 | Element Stiffness Formulation | 151 |
3.11 | Additional Exercises | 156 |
Appendix 3.I | Triangular and Tetrahedral Elements | 164 |
Appendix 3.II | Methodology for Developing Special Shape Functions with Application to Singularities | 175 |
| References | 182 |
4 | Mixed and Penalty Methods, Reduced and Selective Integration, and Sundry Variational Crimes | 185 |
4.1 | "Best Approximation" and Error Estimates: Why the standard FEM usually works and why sometimes it does not | 185 |
4.2 | Incompressible Elasticity and Stokes Flow | 192 |
4.2.1 | Prelude to Mixed and Penalty Methods | 194 |
4.3 | A Mixed Formulation of Compressible Elasticity Capable of Representing the Incompressible Limit | 197 |
4.3.1 | Strong Form | 198 |
4.3.2 | Weak Form | 198 |
4.3.3 | Galerkin Formulation | 200 |
4.3.4 | Matrix Problem | 200 |
4.3.5 | Definition of Element Arrays | 204 |
4.3.6 | Illustration of a Fundamental Difficulty | 207 |
4.3.7 | Constraint Counts | 209 |
4.3.8 | Discontinuous Pressure Elements | 210 |
4.3.9 | Continuous Pressure Elements | 215 |
4.4 | Penalty Formulation: Reduced and Selective Integration Techniques; Equivalence with Mixed Methods | 217 |
4.4.1 | Pressure Smoothing | 226 |
4.5 | An Extension of Reduced and Selective Integration Techniques | 232 |
4.5.1 | Axisymmetry and Anisotropy: Prelude to Nonlinear Analysis | 232 |
4.5.2 | Strain Projection: The B-approach | 232 |
4.6 | The Patch Test; Rank Deficiency | 237 |
4.7 | Nonconforming Elements | 242 |
4.8 | Hourglass Stiffness | 251 |
4.9 | Additional Exercises and Projects | 254 |
Appendix 4.I | Mathematical Preliminaries | 263 |
4.I.1 | Basic Properties of Linear Spaces | 263 |
4.I.2 | Sobolev Norms | 266 |
4.I.3 | Approximation Properties of Finite Element Spaces in Sobolev Norms | 268 |
4.I.4 | Hypotheses on a(.,.) | 273 |
Appendix 4.II | Advanced Topics in the Theory of Mixed and Penalty Methods: Pressure Modes and Error Estimates | 276 |
4.II.1 | Pressure Modes, Spurious and Otherwise | 276 |
4.II.2 | Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions in the Presence of Modes | 278 |
4.II.3 | Two Sides of Pressure Modes | 281 |
4.II.4 | Pressure Modes in the Penalty Formulation | 289 |
4.II.5 | The Big Picture | 292 |
4.II.6 | Error Estimates and Pressure Smoothing | 297 |
| References | 303 |
5 | The C[superscript 0]-Approach to Plates and Beams | 310 |
5.1 | Introduction | 310 |
5.2 | Reissner-Mindlin Plate Theory | 310 |
5.2.1 | Main Assumptions | 310 |
5.2.2 | Constitutive Equation | 313 |
5.2.3 | Strain-displacement Equations | 313 |
5.2.4 | Summary of Plate Theory Notations | 314 |
5.2.5 | Variational Equation | 314 |
5.2.6 | Strong Form | 317 |
5.2.7 | Weak Form | 317 |
5.2.8 | Matrix Formulation | 319 |
5.2.9 | Finite Element Stiffness Matrix and Load Vector | 320 |
5.3 | Plate-bending Elements | 322 |
5.3.1 | Some Convergence Criteria | 322 |
5.3.2 | Shear Constraints and Locking | 323 |
5.3.3 | Boundary Conditions | 324 |
5.3.4 | Reduced and Selective Integration Lagrange Plate Elements | 327 |
5.3.5 | Equivalence with Mixed Methods | 330 |
5.3.6 | Rank Deficiency | 332 |
5.3.7 | The Heterosis Element | 335 |
5.3.8 | T1: A Correct-rank, Four-node Bilinear Element | 342 |
5.3.9 | The Linear Triangle | 355 |
5.3.10 | The Discrete Kirchhoff Approach | 359 |
5.3.11 | Discussion of Some Quadrilateral Bending Elements | 362 |
5.4 | Beams and Frames | 363 |
5.4.1 | Main Assumptions | 363 |
5.4.2 | Constitutive Equation | 365 |
5.4.3 | Strain-displacement Equations | 366 |
5.4.4 | Definitions of Quantities Appearing in the Theory | 366 |
5.4.5 | Variational Equation | 368 |
5.4.6 | Strong Form | 371 |
5.4.7 | Weak Form | 372 |
5.4.8 | Matrix Formulation of the Variational Equation | 373 |
5.4.9 | Finite Element Stiffness Matrix and Load Vector | 374 |
5.4.10 | Representation of Stiffness and Load in Global Coordinates | 376 |
5.5 | Reduced Integration Beam Elements | 376 |
| References | 379 |
| The C[superscript 0]-Approach to Curved Structural Elements | 383 |
6.1 | Introduction | 383 |
6.2 | Doubly Curved Shells in Three Dimensions | 384 |
6.2.1 | Geometry | 384 |
6.2.2 | Lamina Coordinate Systems | 385 |
6.2.3 | Fiber Coordinate Systems | 387 |
6.2.4 | Kinematics | 388 |
6.2.5 | Reduced Constitutive Equation | 389 |
6.2.6 | Strain-displacement Matrix | 392 |
6.2.7 | Stiffness Matrix | 396 |
6.2.8 | External Force Vector | 396 |
6.2.9 | Fiber Numerical Integration | 398 |
6.2.10 | Stress Resultants | 399 |
6.2.11 | Shell Elements | 399 |
6.2.12 | Some References to the Recent Literature | 403 |
6.2.13 | Simplifications: Shells as an Assembly of Flat Elements | 404 |
6.3 | Shells of Revolution; Rings and Tubes in Two Dimensions | 405 |
6.3.1 | Geometric and Kinematic Descriptions | 405 |
6.3.2 | Reduced Constitutive Equations | 407 |
6.3.3 | Strain-displacement Matrix | 409 |
6.3.4 | Stiffness Matrix | 412 |
6.3.5 | External Force Vector | 412 |
6.3.6 | Stress Resultants | 413 |
6.3.7 | Boundary Conditions | 414 |
6.3.8 | Shell Elements | 414 |
| References | 415 |
Part 2 | Linear Dynamic Analysis | |
7 | Formulation of Parabolic, Hyperbolic, and Elliptic-Elgenvalue Problems | 418 |
7.1 | Parabolic Case: Heat Equation | 418 |
7.2 | Hyperbolic Case: Elastodynamics and Structural Dynamics | 423 |
7.3 | Eigenvalue Problems: Frequency Analysis and Buckling | 429 |
7.3.1 | Standard Error Estimates | 433 |
7.3.2 | Alternative Definitions of the Mass Matrix; Lumped and Higher-order Mass | 436 |
7.3.3 | Estimation of Eigenvalues | 452 |
Appendix 7.I | Error Estimates for Semidiscrete Galerkin Approximations | 456 |
| References | 457 |
8 | Algorithms for Parabolic Problems | 459 |
8.1 | One-step Algorithms for the Semidiscrete Heat Equation: Generalized Trapezoidal Method | 459 |
8.2 | Analysis of the Generalized Trapezoidal Method | 462 |
8.2.1 | Modal Reduction to SDOF Form | 462 |
8.2.2 | Stability | 465 |
8.2.3 | Convergence | 468 |
8.2.4 | An Alternative Approach to Stability: The Energy Method | 471 |
8.2.5 | Additional Exercises | 473 |
8.3 | Elementary Finite Difference Equations for the One-dimensional Heat Equation; the von Neumann Method of Stability Analysis | 479 |
8.4 | Element-by-element (EBE) Implicit Methods | 483 |
8.5 | Modal Analysis | 487 |
| References | 488 |
9 | Algorithms for Hyperbolic and Parabolic-Hyperbolic Problems | 490 |
9.1 | One-step Algorithms for the Semidiscrete Equation of Motion | 490 |
9.1.1 | The Newmark Method | 490 |
9.1.2 | Analysis | 492 |
9.1.3 | Measures of Accuracy: Numerical Dissipation and Dispersion | 504 |
9.1.4 | Matched Methods | 505 |
9.1.5 | Additional Exercises | 512 |
9.2 | Summary of Time-step Estimates for Some Simple Finite Elements | 513 |
9.3 | Linear Multistep (LMS) Methods | 523 |
9.3.1 | LMS Methods for First-order Equations | 523 |
9.3.2 | LMS Methods for Second-order Equations | 526 |
9.3.3 | Survey of Some Commonly Used Algorithms in Structural Dynamics | 529 |
9.3.4 | Some Recently Developed Algorithms for Structural Dynamics | 550 |
9.4 | Algorithms Based upon Operator Splitting and Mesh Partitions | 552 |
9.4.1 | Stability via the Energy Method | 556 |
9.4.2 | Predictor/Multicorrector Algorithms | 562 |
9.5 | Mass Matrices for Shell Elements | 564 |
| References | 567 |
10 | Solution Techniques for Eigenvalue Problems | 570 |
10.1 | The Generalized Eigenproblem | 570 |
10.2 | Static Condensation | 573 |
10.3 | Discrete Rayleigh-Ritz Reduction | 574 |
10.4 | Irons-Guyan Reduction | 576 |
10.5 | Subspace Iteration | 576 |
10.5.1 | Spectrum Slicing | 578 |
10.5.2 | Inverse Iteration | 579 |
10.6 | The Lanczos Algorithm for Solution of Large Generalized Eigenproblems | 582 |
10.6.1 | Introduction | 582 |
10.6.2 | Spectral Transformation | 583 |
10.6.3 | Conditions for Real Eigenvalues | 584 |
10.6.4 | The Rayleigh-Ritz Approximation | 585 |
10.6.5 | Derivation of the Lanczos Algorithm | 586 |
10.6.6 | Reduction to Tridiagonal Form | 589 |
10.6.7 | Convergence Criterion for Eigenvalues | 592 |
10.6.8 | Loss of Orthogonality | 595 |
10.6.9 | Restoring Orthogonality | 598 |
| References | 601 |
11 | Dlearn--A Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis Program | 603 |
11.1 | Introduction | 603 |
11.2 | Description of Coding Techniques Used in DLEARN | 604 |
11.2.1 | Compacted Column Storage Scheme | 605 |
11.2.2 | Crout Elimination | 608 |
11.2.3 | Dynamic Storage Allocation | 616 |
11.3 | Program Structure | 622 |
11.3.1 | Global Control | 623 |
11.3.2 | Initialization Phase | 623 |
11.3.3 | Solution Phase | 625 |
11.4 | Adding an Element to DLEARN | 631 |
11.5 | DLEARN User's Manual | 634 |
11.5.1 | Remarks for the New User | 634 |
11.5.2 | Input Instructions | 635 |
11.5.3 | Examples | 663 |
1. | Planar Truss | 663 |
2. | Static Analysis of a Plane Strain Cantilever Beam | 666 |
3. | Dynamic Analysis of a Plane Strain Cantilever Beam | 666 |
4. | Implicit-explicit Dynamic Analysis of a Rod | 668 |
11.5.4 | Subroutine Index for Program Listing | 670 |
| References | 675 |
| Index | 676 |