The story centers on a young Reindeer, named Gasser, who has aspirations to become a full fledged member of Santa’s sleigh team. He is an adequate flyer but unfortunately has random bouts of flatulence which, for obvious reasons, have made him somewhat undesirable for regular service. However, on this particular Christmas eve, special circumstances create the opportunity young Gasser has been dreaming of and more. And, not only does he get the chance to join Santa’s famous sleigh team, he discovers that what he thought of as a handicap is in fact a gift. This book will be fun for the whole family. A crude subject to be sure but one that I believe will resonate with all audiences (pun intended).
The story centers on a young Reindeer, named Gasser, who has aspirations to become a full fledged member of Santa’s sleigh team. He is an adequate flyer but unfortunately has random bouts of flatulence which, for obvious reasons, have made him somewhat undesirable for regular service. However, on this particular Christmas eve, special circumstances create the opportunity young Gasser has been dreaming of and more. And, not only does he get the chance to join Santa’s famous sleigh team, he discovers that what he thought of as a handicap is in fact a gift. This book will be fun for the whole family. A crude subject to be sure but one that I believe will resonate with all audiences (pun intended).
Gasser the Unhappy Reindeer: (And How He Got Happy Again)
28Gasser the Unhappy Reindeer: (And How He Got Happy Again)
28Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781483587417 |
Publisher: | BookBaby |
Publication date: | 12/30/2016 |
Series: | A Very Noble Gas Series , #1 |
Pages: | 28 |
Product dimensions: | 8.80(w) x 8.60(h) x 0.50(d) |