Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives

Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives

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SAGE Publications
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SAGE Publications
Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives

Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives


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'I enjoyed and was challenged by reading this book, and learned from, and with, it. It is useful for browsing and for a deeper exploration of chosen topics. It offers a healthy enrichment for all who have a dynamic interest in the external and internal supervisory relationship. I warmly recommend it' - British Journal of Psychotherapy

'This book is thoughtful, scholarly and very well written. The content is well set out in separate sections making it eminently readable. It is solidly based on psychoanalytic theory highlighting the transformational impact of a supervisory process that is embedded in the dyadic relationships formed by the supervised patient - supervisee and the supervisee - supervisor. This book has greatly enriched my understanding of the supervisory process and the organizational life in which it transpires. It will be a richly informative resource for all involved in supervisory work' - Gemma Corbett, Self & Society

Based on the view that supervision is in itself both a developmental and a therapeutic process, Supervising Psychotherapy examines the fundamental knowledge needed to become a skilled and effective supervisor.

Written by a highly experienced team of trainers and supervisors, the book explores the triangular relationship which exists between supervisor, therapist and the absent patient or client. It describes in depth the complex dynamics which characterise this relationship, while avoiding the pitfalls of unconsciously colluding with or controlling the supervisee.

In supervising the practice of others, supervisors must draw not only on their experience as a therapist, but also on a firm understanding of how people learn and of how organisational factors can impinge on therapy and supervision. The book examines the interface between supervision and teaching and between supervision and organisation and offers guidance in relation to:

· unconscious processes in supervision

· the supervisory triangle

· supervising groups

· supervising short term therapy

· ethical practice

· timing and ending of supervision.

For those who are in the process of becoming supervisors and for those who already practising, Supervision in Psychotherapy is an enlightening and thought-provoking read.

Mary Banks, Christine Driver, Gertrud Mander, Edward Martin and John Stewart are all trained supervisors who have been or are currently involved in training others in supervision. All are members of the British Association for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervision (BAPPS).

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780761968702
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Publication date: 03/29/2002
Pages: 158
Product dimensions: 6.84(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.69(d)

About the Author

Gertrud Mander works at the Westminster Pastoral Foundation, London, as a supervisor, tutor and course organizer, and in private practice as a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist. She has published numerous articles on psychodynamic counselling and psychotherapy.

Table of Contents

Notes on Authorsviii
Introduction: Orientation and Themes1
The Supervisory Relationship: External and Internal Dimensions
1Listening to the Absent Patient: Therapeutic Aspects of Supervision11
2The Transition from Therapist to Supervisor23
3Supervision: Between Control and Collusion38
4Internal States in the Supervisory Relationship51
Learning in Supervision
5The Interface Between Teaching and Supervision64
The Setting and Supervision
6The Geography and Topography of Supervision in a Group Setting84
7Supervising Short-Term Psychodynamic Work97
8The Container and the Contained: Supervision and its Organisational Context106
Generic Issues in Supervision
9Giving, Taking, Stealing: the Ethics of Supervision121
10Supervision of Supervision: Specialism or New Profession?132
11Timing and Ending in Supervision140
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