Table of Contents
Section 1 Overview: The Social & Cultural Context of Old Age & Frailty
1. Variability in End-of-Life Care in the United States, John E. Wennberg, MD, MPH, and Susan W. Tolle, MD
2. Developmental Challenges and Opportunities for "Growth": The Inner Life at the End of Life, Robert N. Butler
3. Assessing Quality of Life and Quality of Dying in the Elderly: Implications for Clinical Practice of Palliative Medicine, J. Randall Curtis, MD, MPH, and Donald L. Patrick, PhD, MSPH
4. The Place of Love in the Care of Persons with Advanced Dementia, Stephen G. Post
5. Artificial Nutrition and Hydration, Colleen Christmas, MD and Tom Finucane, MD
6. Age, Rationing, and Palliative Care, Daniel Callahan, PhD, and Eva Topinkova, MD, PhD
7. Ethical Aspects of Geriatric Palliative Care, Linda Emanuel, MD, PhD, Madelyn A. Iris, PhD, and James R. Webster, MS, MD
8. Respecting Diversity in Geriatric Palliative Care, Marion Danis, MD, and Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, MD
Disease and Syndrome-Specific Aspects of Palliative Care
9. Frailty and its Implication for Care, Jeremy D. Walston, MD, and Linda P. Fried, MD, MPH
10. Heart Disease, Julia M. Addington-Hall, PhD, honMFPHM, Angie Rogers, MSc, Anne McCoy, MSc, J. Simon R. Gibbs, MD, FRCP
11. Cancer, Natalie R. Sacks, MD, and Janet L. Abrahm, MD
12. Stroke: Prognosis, Treatment, and Rehabilitation, Steven R. Flanagan, MD and Stanley Tuhrim, MD
13. Dementia and Neuro-Degenerative Diseases, Ellen Olson, MD
14. Chronic Lung Disease and Lung Cancer, John P. Kremarik, MD, Thomas J. Predergast, MD, E. Wesley Ely, MD, and James R. Runo, MD
15. End Stage Renal Disease and Discontinuation of Dialysis, Lewis M. Cohen, MD, Michael Germain, MD, and Maura Brennan, MD
Symtom Distress in Older Patients
16. Pain, Bruce A. Ferrell, MD and Elizabeth Whiteman, MD
17. Dyspnea, Cynthia X. Pan, MD
18. Gastrointestinal Syptoms, Nigel P. Sykes, MA, BM, BCh, FRCGP
19. Fatigue, Deborah Witt Sherman, PhD, RN, ANP, CS and Marianne LaPorte Matzo, PhD, RN, GNP, CS
20. Delirium, Anxiety, and Depression, Elizabeth Goy, PhD, and Linda Ganzini, MD
21. Advance Care Planning for Frail, Older Persons, Joan M. Teno, MD, MS
22. Doctor-Patient Communication, James A. Tulsky, MD
23. Decision-Making for the Cognitively Impaired, Timothy E. Quill, MD and Robert McCann, MD
Structures of Care for the Chronically Ill with Palliative Care Needs
24. Can We Make the Health-Care System Work?, Janice Lynch, MFA, Sarah Myers, MPH, Susan K. Rogers, MS, BSN,CHPN, Susan Emmer, Esq., and Joanne Lynn, MD
25. Palliative Care in the Nursing Home, John M. Carter, MD and Eileen Chichin, PhD
26. Family Caregivers: Burdens and Opportunities, Carol Levine, MA
27. Home Care for Frail Older Adults, Knight Steel, MD and Caroline Vitale, MD
28. Hospital-Based Palliative Care, Daniel Fischberg, MD and Diane Meier, MD