It is often difficult for young girls to navigate through the maze of temptations they face. Many adults turn to religion as a way to cope, but for teenagers, the Bible often does not seem relevant. This book is a girl's guide through the book of Proverbs. It takes the same tactic the author of Proverbs did by comparing two women, "the praiseworthy and the problematic." Each chapter follows the same format: an opener that focuses readers on a problem they may be facing (embarrassing parents or difficulty choosing what type of clothes to wear), a focus passage from the Bible, a "Facing the Facts" section that asks questions about the biblical passage, a "Closer Look" section that helps readers understand the passage, and a section for reflection. The book reaches out to young readers on a very personal level, and the amount of interaction required by readers will help them really digest not just the message of this book but the message of Proverbs as well. The language is informal, and the author does not preach at the readers. While the book will not be suitable for public school teachers, parochial school teachers and those who supervise church youth groups will find this a very useful study guide.