Table of Contents
In Tribute
Foreword by Donna Ogle
About the Author
Cyberwriter at Work: The Design of This Book
How to Read This Book: A Linear Approach to Hypertext
1. Media Literacy: Broadening the Definition of Computer Literacy
The Curricular Conundrum
The Rhetorical Triangle: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos
Media Literacy Challenge #1: The Rhetoric of Computer Advertising
Is Everything an Argument?
Media Literacy Challenge #2: Arguments "R" Us
The Technology of Writing
Media Literacy Challenge #3: Musical Chairs and Writing Technology
Civil Literacy
2. Civil Literacy: The Cyberpilot's License
The Cyberpilot's License
Know Your Vehicle
Rights and Responsibilities
Who and What Rules the Airwaves?
Piloting Skills & Netiquette
Intellectual Property in Cyberspace: An Overview
Civil Literacy Challenge #1: Borrowing Without Stealing
Civil Literacy Challenge #2: Putting out the Flames
3. Discourse Literacy: Beyond the Chat Room
Discourse Literacy Challenge #1: Hearing Voices
Discourse Literacy Challenge #2: Imitating Voices
Greater Expectations: Synchronous Online Discussions
Case Study: Paul M.
Establish the Rules, Play by the Rules
Discourse Literacy Challenge #3: Role Playing Online
Case Study: Online Role Playing
Personal Literacy
4. Personal Literacy: Discovering Oneself Online
Initiation Stories
Fostering Personal Literacy
Personal Literacy Challenge #1: The Why List
Why Ask Why? Increasing Student Awareness
Why Ask Why? Inviting Response
Case Study: The Why List Online
Personal Literacy Challenge #2: The Hypertext Why List
Beyond Personal Inquiry: Community Literacy
5. Community Literacy: Composing Ourselves in a Virtual Community
Community Literacy Challenge #1: The Sequential Story
Case Study: A Telecollaborative, Sequential Story
Community Literacy Challenge #2: Putting E-mail in the Right E-envelope
Course Web Sites: A Community Work in Progress
Visual Literacy
6. Visual Literacy: Web Sites, Rhetorically Speaking
What Are You Looking At?
Case Study: The State of The Onion
Seeing Is Believing (and Other Satirical Lessons)
Measuring the Sum of a Web Site's Parts
Visual Literacy Challenge #1: The Rhetorical Analysis of Web Documents
Visual Literacy Challenge #2: Web Sites and Evaluative Arguments
Global Literacy
7. Evaluative Literacy: Peer Reviews, Electronic Portfolios, and Online Learning Records
Evaluative Literacy Challenge #1: The Hypertext Writing Workshop
Case Study: Electronic Portfolios
Case Study: Online Learning Records
Pedagogical Literacy
8. Pedagogical Literacy: Plugging Into Electronic Pedagogy
Mr. Wynegar's Pastime: Tradition and the Individual Teacher
Ms. Sabadilla and The Electronic Chalkboard
Electronic Pedagogy: The Web Site
Appendix: Index of Web Sites
Further Readings