Table of Contents
I. A Historical Perspective
1. Core Social Motivations: Views from the Couch, Consciousness, Classroom, Computers, and Collectives, Susan T. Fiske
II. Forms and Systems of Motivation
Different Forms of Motivation
2. Belongingness Motivation: The Mainspring of Social Action, Mark R. Leary and Cody B. Cox
3. The Many Sides of Control Motivation: Motives for High, Low, and Illusory Control, Suzanne C. Thompson and Michèle M. Schlehofer
4. Self-Enhancement and Self-Affirmation: The Consequences of Positive Self-Thoughts for Motivation and Health, Shelley E. Taylor and David K. Sherman
5. Cognitive Dissonance Theory: An Update with a Focus on the Action-Based Model, Eddie Harmon-Jones and Cindy Harmon-Jones
6. Motivated Closed-Mindedness and Its Social Consequences, Arie W. Kruglanski and Woo Young Chun
7. Historical Perspectives and New Directions in Achievement Goal Theory: Understanding the Effects of Mastery and Performance–Approach Goals, Corwin Senko, Amanda M. Durik, and Judith M. Harackiewicz
8. A Basic but Uniquely Human Motivation: Terror Management, Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon, and Jamie Arndt
9. Prosocial Motivation, C. Daniel Batson, Nadia Ahmad, Adam A. Powell, and E. L. Stocks
10. Implicit Motivation: Past, Present, and Future, Melissa J. Ferguson, Ran Hassin, and John A. Bargh
Motivational Systems
11. Motivations for Promotion and Prevention, Daniel C. Molden, Angela Y. Lee, and E. Tory Higgins
12. The Neuroevolution of Motivation, Gary G. Berntson and John T. Cacioppo
13. Contributions of Attachment Theory and Research to Motivation Science, Mario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver
14. Structural Dynamics: The Challenge of Change in Goal Systems, James Y. Shah and Arie W. Kruglanski
III. Motivational Processes and Differences
Motivational Processes and Goal Pursuits
15. The Goal Construct in Psychology, Andrew J. Elliot and James W. Fryer
16. The Impact of Social Comparisons on Motivation, Penelope Lockwood and Rebecca T. Pinkus
17. Goal Contagion: Inferring Goals from Others’ Actions—and What It Leads to, Henk Aarts, Ap Dijksterhuis, and Giel Dik
18. Implicit and Explicit Counteractive Self-Control, Ayelet Fishbach and Yaacov Trope
19. Dealing with Unwanted Feelings: The Role of Affect Regulation in Volitional Action Control, Sander L. Koole and Julius Kuhl
20. Feedback Processes in the Simultaneous Regulation of Action and Affect, Charles S. Carver and Michael F. Scheier
21. Flexible Tenacity in Goal Pursuit, Peter M. Gollwitzer, Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm, Alexander Jaudas, and Paschal Sheeran
22. The Antecedents and Consequences of Nonconscious Goal Pursuit, Tanya L. Chartrand, Amy N. Dalton, and Clara Michelle Cheng
23. Regulatory Fit, E. Tory Higgins
24. Can Satisfaction Reinforce Wanting?: A New Theory about Long-Term Changes in Strength of Motivation, Kathleen D. Vohs and Roy F. Baumeister
Motivational Differences
25. The Role of Goal Investment in Self-Regulation: Benefits and Costs, Eva M. Pomerantz and Serena Shim
26. Self-Theories, Goals, and Meaning, Carol S. Dweck and Heidi Grant
27. Culture and Motivation, Beth Morling and Shinobu Kitayama
28. Of Men, Women, and Motivation: A Role Congruity Account, Amanda B. Diekman and Alice H. Eagly
29. Developmental Perspectives on Achievement Motivation: Personal and Contextual Influences, Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia and Jennifer A. Fredricks
30. The Interface of Motivation Science and Personology: Self-Concordance, Quality Motivation, and Multilevel Personality Integration, Kennon M. Sheldon
IV. Applications of Motivational Research
Well-Being and Optimal Functioning
31. Challenge, Threat, and Health, Jim Blascovich
32. Understanding the Determinants of Health Behavior Change: Integrating Theory and Practice, Alexander J. Rothman, Andrew W. Hertel, Austin S. Baldwin, and Roger D. Bartels
33. Social Exclusion, Motivation, and Self-Defeating Behavior: Why Breakups Lead to Drunkenness and Ice Cream, Jean M. Twenge
34. Personal Goals and Life Dreams: Positive Psychology and Motivation in Daily Life, Laura A. King
Intergroup and Interpersonal Relations
35. When Self-Protection Hurts: Satisfying Connectedness Motivations in Close Relationships, Sandra L. Murray
36. Prorelationship Motivation: An Interdependence Theory Analysis of Situations with Conflicting Interests, Eli J. Finkel and Caryl E. Rusbult
37. Approaching Social Rewards and Avoiding Social Punishments: Appetitive and Aversive Social Motivation, Shelly L. Gable and Amy Strachman
38. Making Things Better and Worse: Multiple Motives in Stereotyping and Prejudice, Steven J. Stroessner and Abigail A. Scholer
39. System Justification as Conscious and Nonconscious Goal Pursuit, John T. Jost, Janina Pietrzak, Ido Liviatan, Anesu N. Mandisodza, and Jaime L. Napier