Harbinger Wars, Valiant’s first crossover event, begins here! Two dozen undisciplined, untested and untrained superhuman children have just escaped from a top-secret research facility and into the world. When Bloodshot, Toyo Harada and Peter Stanchek join the chase, will the Valiant Universe be ready for its first all-out superhuman showdown?
Collecting HARBINGER WARS #1-4 by acclaimed writers Joshua Dysart (Harbinger) & Duane Swierczynski (Bloodshot) and artist Clayton Henry (Archer & Armstrong), start reading here for a high-stakes tale that will put Valiant’s greatest heroes to the ultimate test!
Harbinger Wars, Valiant’s first crossover event, begins here! Two dozen undisciplined, untested and untrained superhuman children have just escaped from a top-secret research facility and into the world. When Bloodshot, Toyo Harada and Peter Stanchek join the chase, will the Valiant Universe be ready for its first all-out superhuman showdown?
Collecting HARBINGER WARS #1-4 by acclaimed writers Joshua Dysart (Harbinger) & Duane Swierczynski (Bloodshot) and artist Clayton Henry (Archer & Armstrong), start reading here for a high-stakes tale that will put Valiant’s greatest heroes to the ultimate test!
Harbinger Wars
131Harbinger Wars
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Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781682150160 |
Publisher: | Valiant Comics |
Publication date: | 09/18/2013 |
Series: | Harbinger Wars |
Sold by: | Trajectory |
Format: | eBook |
Pages: | 131 |
File size: | 64 MB |
Note: | This product may take a few minutes to download. |
Age Range: | 12 Years |