Here Is What You Do: Stories

A debut short story collection that explores the vulnerability, grit, and complex nature of our humanity from a new, vital queer voice.

A yacht races to outrun a tsunami. A young man jailed on a drug charge forms a relationship with his cellmate that is by turns tender and brutal. A family buys a rural slaughterhouse, and tensions quickly escalate between them and their religious neighbors. A teen raised by his eccentric gay father, a Turkish immigrant, finds his life fractured by violence. A fictionalized Coretta Scott King, surveilled and harassed by the FBI, considers the costs of her life with her husband.

Here Is What You Do is a bravura, far-ranging collection, its stories linked by sorrow and latent hope; each one drills toward his characters' darkest emotional centers. In muscularly robust prose, with an unfailing eye for human drives and frailties, Chris Dennis captures the raw need, desire, cruelty of characters trying to connect with, and consume, each other.

Here Is What You Do: Stories

A debut short story collection that explores the vulnerability, grit, and complex nature of our humanity from a new, vital queer voice.

A yacht races to outrun a tsunami. A young man jailed on a drug charge forms a relationship with his cellmate that is by turns tender and brutal. A family buys a rural slaughterhouse, and tensions quickly escalate between them and their religious neighbors. A teen raised by his eccentric gay father, a Turkish immigrant, finds his life fractured by violence. A fictionalized Coretta Scott King, surveilled and harassed by the FBI, considers the costs of her life with her husband.

Here Is What You Do is a bravura, far-ranging collection, its stories linked by sorrow and latent hope; each one drills toward his characters' darkest emotional centers. In muscularly robust prose, with an unfailing eye for human drives and frailties, Chris Dennis captures the raw need, desire, cruelty of characters trying to connect with, and consume, each other.

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Here Is What You Do: Stories

Here Is What You Do: Stories

by Chris Dennis
Here Is What You Do: Stories

Here Is What You Do: Stories

by Chris Dennis


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A debut short story collection that explores the vulnerability, grit, and complex nature of our humanity from a new, vital queer voice.

A yacht races to outrun a tsunami. A young man jailed on a drug charge forms a relationship with his cellmate that is by turns tender and brutal. A family buys a rural slaughterhouse, and tensions quickly escalate between them and their religious neighbors. A teen raised by his eccentric gay father, a Turkish immigrant, finds his life fractured by violence. A fictionalized Coretta Scott King, surveilled and harassed by the FBI, considers the costs of her life with her husband.

Here Is What You Do is a bravura, far-ranging collection, its stories linked by sorrow and latent hope; each one drills toward his characters' darkest emotional centers. In muscularly robust prose, with an unfailing eye for human drives and frailties, Chris Dennis captures the raw need, desire, cruelty of characters trying to connect with, and consume, each other.

Editorial Reviews

From the Publisher

Review - English "Estermann offers us a very sound survey and an articulate commentary of the research done on Peter Schoeffer - and related subjects - since the publication of Lehmann-Haupts monograph, and completes and actualizes in this way the original text for the contemporary reader. She pleads pertinently for a "historisch gerechtere, emotionslose und vom Lokalpatriotismus befreite Betrachtung der noch verworren erscheinenden Betrachtung Beziehung von Gutenberg - Fust - Schoeffer fortgesetzt werde..." there where a not allways critical viewpoint of several incunabulists in this matter, is certainly being one of the ailments in incunable research."In: Scriptorium. (2003 ) 2. S. 223-224.———————————-"Es ist ein grosses Verdienst der Schofferstadt Gernsheim - seit Februar 2003 darf sie sich offiziell so nennen -, die Ubersetzung der 1950 erschienenen, von Hellmuth Lehmannn-Haupt stammenden, ersten ausfuhrlichen Schoffer-Biographie initiiert zu haben. Monika Estermann hat das ubernommen und schildert in ihrem Vorwort zusatzlich den aktuellen Forschungsstand. Das fundierte, uberwiegend mit s/w-Abbildungen illustrierte Buch ist gut geschrieben, vorbildlich gestaltet und versehen mit einem uber 250 Nummern umfassenden Werkverzeichnis und Register - "Peter Schoffer aus Gernsheim und Mainz" bietet detaillierte Runduminformation in leserfreundlicher, sorgfaltiger Aufmachung, wie es zum hauseigenen hohen Anspruch des wissenschaftlich orientierten Wiesbadener Reichert Verlages gehort."In: Deutscher Drucker. Nr. 17 vom 13. Mai 2004. S. 50.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940170214815
Publisher: HighBridge Company
Publication date: 06/04/2019
Edition description: Unabridged
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