The classic bestseller on socializing—now fully updated for social interactions in a digital age
How to Work a Room® is the classic bestselling book on improving communication and socializing skills, and using them to create and leverage connections. This Silver Anniversary Edition is fully revised and updated to include the role of technology and social media in networking, as well as Susan RoAne's proven tips for using digital strategies to your advantage—plus practical hints for starting conversations and strengthening rapport with strangers. How to Work a Room®: The 25th Anniversary Edition is a vital tool for business professionals, job seekers and career changers of all ages.
The classic bestseller on socializing—now fully updated for social interactions in a digital age
How to Work a Room® is the classic bestselling book on improving communication and socializing skills, and using them to create and leverage connections. This Silver Anniversary Edition is fully revised and updated to include the role of technology and social media in networking, as well as Susan RoAne's proven tips for using digital strategies to your advantage—plus practical hints for starting conversations and strengthening rapport with strangers. How to Work a Room®: The 25th Anniversary Edition is a vital tool for business professionals, job seekers and career changers of all ages.
How to Work a Room, 25th Anniversary Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting Connections--In Person and Online
400How to Work a Room, 25th Anniversary Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting Connections--In Person and Online
Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9780062295347 |
Publisher: | HarperCollins Publishers |
Publication date: | 12/31/2013 |
Edition description: | Anniversary |
Pages: | 400 |
Sales rank: | 132,837 |
Product dimensions: | 5.20(w) x 7.80(h) x 1.10(d) |
About the Author
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