Table of Contents
1. Sexuality: Pathways to Understanding
*Here and throughout the book, information from the 2010 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior
*New BOX on partible paternity ("Meet My Dads")
*Economic approach to sexuality
2. Sex and Evolution
*Males and females experience different reproductive risks: data from diverse cultures
*Consensual and coercive sex among non-human primates
*New studies on the adaptive significance of sexual reproduction
3. Women's Bodies
*New BOX on genital cosmetic surgery
*Recent debate on mammography guidelines
*Data on pubic hair removal practices
4. Men's Bodies
*"Controversy" BOX on male circumcision
*Diagrams showing neonatal circumcision technique
*New information on constituents of semen and their function
5. Sex Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle
*Molecular structures of sex steroids
*Update on steroids in sports, including Caster Semenya case
*The six core symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
6. Sexual Development
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*BOX: An autobiographical essay by a young person with androgen insensitivity syndrome
*Updated description of molecular genetics of sex determination, with new figure
*Organizational effects of sex hormones on brain at puberty
7. Gender
*Influence of language on gender development
*New findings on the brains of transexual men and women
*"Controversy" BOX: How should we treat transgender children?
8. Attraction, Arousal, and Response
View this chapter (PDF, 2.42 MB)
*Body mass index and attractiveness: Cross-cultural studies
*New research on rape fantasies
*Rewritten BOX on beauty and culture
9. Sexual Behavior
*New survey data on prevalence of sexual behaviors
*Hewletts' research on the significance of frequent sex among the Aka
*BOX: What is "great sex?"
10. Sexual Relationships
*Influence of sex ratio on college sex culture
*What speed-dating studies tell us about flirtation
*New findings on the brain basis of falling in love
11. Fertility, Pregnancy, and Childbirth
*BOX: Myths of pregnancy
*Core precepts of preconception care
*Are home births safe? ACOG versus midwives
12. Contraception and Abortion
*New ACOG guidelines on IUDs
*New emergency contraception pill
*BOX: Does abortion traumatize women?
13. Sexuality across the Life Span
*"Breast ironing" in Cameroon
*Does marriage have a future? Contrasting views
*Great sex after 60
14. Sexual Orientation
*Anti-gay violence in Africa
*Gay teens' suicidal or thriving?
*The latest on gay marriage
15. Atypical Sexuality
*"Controversy" BOX: Should hebephilia be listed as a mental disorder in DSM-5?
*Object fetishism: I married the Eiffel tower
*Priestly sex scandal hits Philadelphia
16. Sexual Disorders
*Expanded description of techniques: sensate focus, Kegels, coital alignment
*Premature ejaculation: home remedies, sex therapy, or new drugs?
*Faked orgasms: who, when, why--and why not
17. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
*Gonorrhea: The good news (falling incidence) and the bad news (increasing drug resistance)
*Evidence for herpes transmission between outbreaks
*HIV: pre-exposure prophylaxis
18. Sexual Assault, Harassment, and Partner Violence
*BOX: Rape in wartime
*More on intimate partner violence at college
*BOX: How young men can prevent sexual violence
19. Sex as a Commodity
*BOX: New York City: The changing face of prostitution
*BOX: Portland, Oregon: Juvenile prostitutes
*"Sexting: Is it a crime?