With hurricanes currently in the national news as a result of Hurricane Katrina, this is a particularly timely title. Part of the series "Disasters Up Close," this title uses photographs from recent and historical hurricanes to show the damage that a hurricane can do. Quotes from hurricane survivors are used throughout the book to reinforce the information. Inset boxes add to the informational format by providing quick facts, tips for preparing for a hurricane, even information on how names are chosen and why they are retired. Diagrams and maps add to the massive amount of information provided here in a very attractive, captivating format. Middle school readers will want to read this from front to back. Elementary readers will be able to extract information without being overwhelmed. This is an exceptionally well done presentation. The inclusion of photographs and quotes from people in countries other than the US add to the authentication of this story. Supplemental pages include a time line, a hurricane supply kit list, a glossary, an index, and suggested readings and films and places to visit. This is an excellent source book for this topic. This should definitely be a first choice for middle school collections.
Gr 4-6-Bright colors, photographs, and charts make up much of these standard titles that examine how these phenomena are formed, where they are located, and the devastation wreaked by them. Both books discuss international and American disasters, including Hurricane Katrina in the first title. The second one has a list of volcanoes available to visitors. Good choices for collections that need newer or additional material.-Eva Elisabeth VonAncken, Trinity-Pawling School, Pawling, NY Copyright 2007 Reed Business Information.