Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena and Otherdimensional Beings

Over the course of his thirty years of investigation into UFOs, including his own field research, photographic evidence, and meticulously compiled case studies, Philip Imbrogno has provided fascinating new insight into paranormal phenomena. In this book, he reveals for the first time the detailed findings of prominent paranormal experts as well as his own firsthand experiences.

Using the latest quantum theories, Imbrogno sheds new light on classic UFO cases, government cover-ups, and the hidden connections between UFOs and other unexplained phenomena-from crop circles and animal mutilations to angels and jinn (or genies).

Imbrogno's insider knowledge spans the very early UFO reports to present-day sightings. He personally investigated four of the best-known UFO flaps of the modern era—Hudson Valley, Phoenix lights, the Belgium sightings, and the Gulf Breeze Florida sightings—and shares information never released before, including photographic evidence that something very unusual is taking place on planet Earth.

Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena and Otherdimensional Beings

Over the course of his thirty years of investigation into UFOs, including his own field research, photographic evidence, and meticulously compiled case studies, Philip Imbrogno has provided fascinating new insight into paranormal phenomena. In this book, he reveals for the first time the detailed findings of prominent paranormal experts as well as his own firsthand experiences.

Using the latest quantum theories, Imbrogno sheds new light on classic UFO cases, government cover-ups, and the hidden connections between UFOs and other unexplained phenomena-from crop circles and animal mutilations to angels and jinn (or genies).

Imbrogno's insider knowledge spans the very early UFO reports to present-day sightings. He personally investigated four of the best-known UFO flaps of the modern era—Hudson Valley, Phoenix lights, the Belgium sightings, and the Gulf Breeze Florida sightings—and shares information never released before, including photographic evidence that something very unusual is taking place on planet Earth.

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Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena and Otherdimensional Beings

Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena and Otherdimensional Beings

by Philip J. Imbrogno
Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena and Otherdimensional Beings

Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena and Otherdimensional Beings

by Philip J. Imbrogno


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Over the course of his thirty years of investigation into UFOs, including his own field research, photographic evidence, and meticulously compiled case studies, Philip Imbrogno has provided fascinating new insight into paranormal phenomena. In this book, he reveals for the first time the detailed findings of prominent paranormal experts as well as his own firsthand experiences.

Using the latest quantum theories, Imbrogno sheds new light on classic UFO cases, government cover-ups, and the hidden connections between UFOs and other unexplained phenomena-from crop circles and animal mutilations to angels and jinn (or genies).

Imbrogno's insider knowledge spans the very early UFO reports to present-day sightings. He personally investigated four of the best-known UFO flaps of the modern era—Hudson Valley, Phoenix lights, the Belgium sightings, and the Gulf Breeze Florida sightings—and shares information never released before, including photographic evidence that something very unusual is taking place on planet Earth.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780738713472
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.
Publication date: 08/01/2008
Pages: 312
Product dimensions: 5.10(w) x 7.90(h) x 0.90(d)

About the Author

Philip Imbrogno (Connecticut) is a recognized authority in the field of UFO research. He has been interviewed by The New York Times and Coast to Coast AM, has appeared on NBC's The Today Show and The Oprah Winfrey Show, and has been featured in documentaries on the History Channel, A&E, Lifetime, and HBO. Imbrogno worked closely with many top UFO investigators, including Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Bud Hopkins. He is a retired educator who spent thirty years teaching science.

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Men in Black (MIB) did not come from an imaginative Hollywood screenwriter—it was taken from actual reports of witnesses who were visited by mysterious men after a close encounter. Although the elusive MIBs claim to be government agents, no agency will acknowledge that they exist. Their message to the witnesses of a UFO is always the same: be silent or face the consequence.

New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle. After reading these first accounts of what took place at Roswell, it was quite clear how greatly recent television presentations and books on the Roswell incident deviated from the original 1947 stories. The following is a synopsis of the Roswell incident, based on information from the 1947 news stories and my own investigation, and from the files of the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, files that were given to me several months after his death in 1986.


On July 7, 1947, Mr. Mac Brazel, a rancher who lived seventy-five miles northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, contacted the local police authorities and reported that he found a great deal of metallic-looking debris on the ranch that he worked near the town of Corona, New Mexico. For those of you who were not born during the late forties and early to mid-fifties, it was a time of the beginning of a great wave of UFO sightings in the United States. It was also just a couple of years after World War II, so everyone was quite paranoid about the Russians, and the people of our country (USA) had total trust in our government. Mr. Brazel told police that he thought that the debris might be part of a flying saucer and that it should be investigated. The sheriff of the police department then contacted Roswell Army Airfield, which in turn sent Major Jesse Marcel and two officers to investigate. Their job was to look at the debris to see if it was unusual and, if so, bring it back to the base for further evaluation. Major Marcel arrived at the scene and thought that the material was strange, so he collected what he could and brought it to Roswell Airfield that same evening.


When I think of Roswell and the “crash” at Corona, I will always remember something the late Dr. Hynek told me back in 1984. He said, “It’s not a question whether UFOs exist or not—they do—but are the reports made by people accurate? One problem that we have as researchers in this area is wondering if the witness is relating the story exactly the way it happened.” Dr. Hynek did not imply that people were fabricating stories about UFOs; it’s just that in many cases, witnesses to a UFO sighting, or any other paranormal event for that matter, have an unconscious way of adding detail to the story by filling in missing data to make it more comfortable for them to deal with and understand. In my thirty-plus years of collecting reports and interviewing people, I have found this statement made by Allen Hynek to be very true. This is why it is very important to have two or more witnesses to a paranormal event; as Dr. Hynek also once told me, “one witness is no witness.” Since I will be mentioning Dr. Hynek in this book from time to time and will be quoting him on a number of his ideas about the UFO phenomenon, I would like to tell readers who are new to the UFO experience who this great man was and explain his contributions to science and UFOlogy.


When the Air Force released its documents on Project MOGUL, the top-secret project that they believed was responsible for the Roswell incident, I was all ears and glued to theTV. This was a time before I had the Internet, so my only quick resource for getting up-to-date information was from CNN. Speaking of CNN, I know for a fact that the network was told to carry UFO stories and was one of the only stations at the time that did so. One of the reasons was that in the eighties and early nineties, Ted Turner had (and I think still has) a great interest in UFOs. He had read my earlier book Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings and was so fascinated by it that he had sent reporters to New York to cover the sightings. One of the reporters told me that not only were they collecting information for a number of future CNN newscasts about the UFO sightings in the Hudson Valley, but they were reporting directly to Ted Turner and turning the information over to him.

The Roswell Report: Fact Versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert. I thought it was strange that the government would spend so much time just to publish a detailed report on an incident that they claimed never took place. During my six-year service with military intelligence, I knew that this was a tactic that they used when they wanted to cover up the real truth. As Lt. McAndrew began to talk about Project MOGUL, I turned on my VCR and began to listen closely to not only every word he said, but also how he said them. I also watched his facial expressions and other body movements as he talked, since from my past experience with the military I knew a few tricks on how to read people’s body language while they talked to tell what is really on their minds.

Night Siege.


Mr. Imbrogno,

Contact of the 5th Kind. She told me that it was the most informative book on UFOs and extraterrestrial contacts that she ever read.

secret. Shortly thereafter, I was reassigned to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. There I learned from rumors that the evidence of the 1947 Roswell incident was stored in one of their warehouses. There again, the building was secured with numerous guards.


Have there been any more recoveries of alien crashed vehicles since then? The answer to this question is that we may never know since they would be covered up. I have heard stories, from different parts of the world, of crashed and recovered alien ships, but the researchers who brought forth the information just don’t seem to have enough details to make the stories sound convincing. I have also heard stories from ex-military people who think that Roswell was just a smoke screen for something else that happened close by involving actual face-to-face government contact with an alien intelligence. It was rumored that at least two of these alien crafts crashed near New Paltz, New York, and the other on an isolated section of Long Island in the late 1980s. The evidence for these alleged alien crashes was very weak, and in my opinion they are most likely the result of the overactive imaginations of zealous local UFO investigators.

Table of Contents


Preface ix

ON E . Roswell: The Story That Will Not Fade Away 1
T W O . In the Beginning 27
TH R E E . The Modern Era 45
F O U R . Extraterrestrial UFOs 91
F I V E . A Multitude of Dimensions 121
S IX . The Psychic Connection 151
S E V E N . Angels, Jinn, and Extraterrestrials 187
E I GH T . The Trick of the Magician 229
N I N E . A Universe of Possibilities 251
T E N . The Current Situation 263

Appendix A: Important UFO Events in the Twentieth
Century 281

Appendix B: Listing of Individuals and Organizations You
May Want to Contact for Further Information 283

Bibliography and Citations 287

Index 291

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