Table of Contents
Preface. Introduction to Group Treatment of Neurogenic Communication Disorders, Roberta J. Elman. Group Process, Group Dynamics, and Group Techniques with Neurogenic Communication Disorders, Susan E. Adair Ewing. Measuring Outcomes of Group Therapy, Kathryn L. Garrett and Jane T. Pimentel. Reimbursement Issues Particular to Group Treatment, Cynthia Busch. I. Aphasia. Speech-Language Pathologist Facilitated Groups. Aphasia Group Communication Treatment: The Aphasia Center of California Approach, Ellen Bernstein-Ellis and Roberta J. Elman. A Problem-Focused Group Treatment Program for Clients with Mild Aphasia, Robert C. Marshall. Rebuilding Identity through Stroke Support Groups: Embracing the Person with Aphasia and Significant Others, Barbara B. Shadden. II. University Groups. Clients as Teachers: Two Aphasia Groups at the University of Queensland, Linda E. Worrall, Bronwyn J. Davidson, Tami J. Howe, and Tanya A. Rose. Aphasia Groups in a University Setting, Pelagie M. Beeson and Audrey L. Holland. Contextual Group Communication Therapy for Persons with Aphasia: A Scaffolded Discourse Approach, Kathryn L. Garrett, Caterina Staltari and Laura Moir. We all Speak the Same Language, We all Speak Aphasic": The Evolution of Therapy Groups within a Changing Sociopolitical Context, Claire Penn and Dilys Jones. III. Volunteer and Participant Facilitated Groups. Groups in the Aphasia Institute's Introductory Program: Preparing to Live Successfully with Aphasia, Aura Kagan, Rochelle Cohen-Schneider, Charline Sherman, and Lorraine Podolsky. Making Connections: Involving People with Aphasia as Group Facilitators, Tom Penman and Carole Pound. The Power of Aphasia Groups: Celebrating Roger Ross,Audrey L. Holland. From the Groups Up": The Talkback Program in South Australia, Deborah Hersh. IV. Right Hemisphere Damage. Group Treatment for Patients with Right Hemisphere Damage, Leora R. Cherney and Anita S. Halper. V. Traumatic Brain Injury. Traumatic Brain Injury: Early Intervention, Rita J. Gillis. Community Oriented Group Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury, Rita J. Gillis. VI. Dementia. Group Cognitive-Communication Treatment for People with Dementia, Tammy Hopper. Index.