Table of Contents
Forward George Loewenstein- Carnegie Mellon University
Preface Lawrence J. Sanna- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Edward C. Chang- University of Michigan
1. Past as Prologue: An Introduction to Judgments Over Time, Lawrence J. Sanna-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Edward C. Chang-University of Michigan
2. Abandoning Optimism in Predictions About the Future, James A. Sheppard and Kate Sweeney-University of Florida, Patrick J. Carroll-Ohio State University
3. Defensive Pessimism: Positive Past, Anxious Present, and Pessimistic Future, Julie K. Norem-Wellesley College, Shannon Smith-University of Rochester
4. Pursuing a Path to a More Perfect Future: On Causes, Correlates, and Consequences of Perfectionism, Edward C. Chang, Christina A. Downey, and Elizabeth Y. Lin-University of Michigan
5. Predicting Feelings Versus Choices, Leaf Van Boven and Joanne Kane-University of Colorado, Boulder
6. Considering Future Consequences: An Integrative Model, Jeff Joireman-Washington State University, Alan Strathman-University of Missouri, Columbia, Daniel Balliet-Washington State University
7. Hope Over Time, C.R. Snyder, Kevin L. Rand, and Lorie A. Ritschel-University of Kansas
8. Fantasy Realization and the Bridging of Time Gabriele Oettingen-New York University/University of Hamburg, Jennifer Thorpe-New York University
9. Extending the Goal Progress Model of Rumination: Goal Re-evaluation and Growth, Leonard L. Martin and Abraham Tesser-University of Georgia
10. The Road Not Take: Counterfactual Thinking Over Time, Lawrence J. Sanna-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University, Seth E. Carter and Eulena M. Small-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
11. Explaining the Past, Predicting the Future, Bertram F. Malle and Chuck Tate-University of Oregon
12. Looking Backwards with an Eye on the Future: Propositions Towards a Theory of Regret Regulation, Marcel Zeelenberg and Rik Pieters-Tilburg University, The Netherlands
13. Looking Back on What We Knew and When We Knew It: The Role of Time in the Development of Hindsight Bias, Fred B. Bryant and Adam DeHoek-Loyola University, Chicago
14. How Do You Feel About It Now and When Did It Happen? Judgments of Emotion and Judgments of Time in Autobiographical Memory, John J. Skowronski-Northern Illinois University, W. Richard Walker-Winston-Salem State University, John E. Edlund-Northern Illinois University
15. Remembering and Misremembering Emotions, Linda J. Levine-University of California, Irvine, Martin A. Safer-Catholic University of America, Heather C. Lench-University of California, Irvine
16. Future as Epilogue: Some Conclusions on Judgments Over Time, Lawrence J. Sanna-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Edward C. Chang-University of Michigan