Julia Dream
In a not too distant future, a nuclear war has decimated mankind. Three centuries later, survivors live barricaded in cities controlled by the Human Empire, while the inhabitants of the countryside have been mutated by radiation and live in the forests surrounding urban settlements, waging war on the humans. When both her parents die in a fire, Julia is left to cope alone with a highly bureaucratic and regulated system, with very few select allies. As her loyalty undergoes increasingly harsh tests, Julia draws attention to herself with her cold blood and fierce resolve in battle. Constantly on the edge between independent spirit and military discipline, Julia will have to decide how to use the power that has been granted her.
Julia Dream
In a not too distant future, a nuclear war has decimated mankind. Three centuries later, survivors live barricaded in cities controlled by the Human Empire, while the inhabitants of the countryside have been mutated by radiation and live in the forests surrounding urban settlements, waging war on the humans. When both her parents die in a fire, Julia is left to cope alone with a highly bureaucratic and regulated system, with very few select allies. As her loyalty undergoes increasingly harsh tests, Julia draws attention to herself with her cold blood and fierce resolve in battle. Constantly on the edge between independent spirit and military discipline, Julia will have to decide how to use the power that has been granted her.
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Julia Dream

Julia Dream

by Fabia Scali-Warner
Julia Dream

Julia Dream

by Fabia Scali-Warner


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In a not too distant future, a nuclear war has decimated mankind. Three centuries later, survivors live barricaded in cities controlled by the Human Empire, while the inhabitants of the countryside have been mutated by radiation and live in the forests surrounding urban settlements, waging war on the humans. When both her parents die in a fire, Julia is left to cope alone with a highly bureaucratic and regulated system, with very few select allies. As her loyalty undergoes increasingly harsh tests, Julia draws attention to herself with her cold blood and fierce resolve in battle. Constantly on the edge between independent spirit and military discipline, Julia will have to decide how to use the power that has been granted her.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781483595054
Publisher: Bookbaby
Publication date: 04/20/2017
Series: Julia Dream , #1
Pages: 280
Product dimensions: 5.40(w) x 8.40(h) x 0.80(d)

About the Author

Fabia Scali-Warner is a blogger and a writer. She has lived on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, loves both Europe and the US, and holds a degree in Publishing and Journalism. Her posts on books, communication and the arts can be found on her blog, Viral Storytelling. Her published works include non-fiction titles (literary monographies in Italian), and she is currently working on the Science Fiction trilogy Julia Dream.
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