Experiencing Contagious Joy

Joy has a way of working its way from the inside out. When our lives are filled with joy, the symptoms are unmistakable. A twinkle in the eye. A ready smile. A skip in the step. A song in the heart. Joy lends a glow to the face and a lilt to the voice. Joy is contagious. It is also the birthright of every believer, but rainy days have a way of distracting us from that fact. In this study, readers will take a careful look at this uniquely Christian characteristic and discover they have every reason to be joyful. They will see that joy is their strength and their song and provides a solid foundation in their hearts.

Experiencing Contagious Joy

Joy has a way of working its way from the inside out. When our lives are filled with joy, the symptoms are unmistakable. A twinkle in the eye. A ready smile. A skip in the step. A song in the heart. Joy lends a glow to the face and a lilt to the voice. Joy is contagious. It is also the birthright of every believer, but rainy days have a way of distracting us from that fact. In this study, readers will take a careful look at this uniquely Christian characteristic and discover they have every reason to be joyful. They will see that joy is their strength and their song and provides a solid foundation in their hearts.

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Experiencing Contagious Joy

Experiencing Contagious Joy

Experiencing Contagious Joy

Experiencing Contagious Joy

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Joy has a way of working its way from the inside out. When our lives are filled with joy, the symptoms are unmistakable. A twinkle in the eye. A ready smile. A skip in the step. A song in the heart. Joy lends a glow to the face and a lilt to the voice. Joy is contagious. It is also the birthright of every believer, but rainy days have a way of distracting us from that fact. In this study, readers will take a careful look at this uniquely Christian characteristic and discover they have every reason to be joyful. They will see that joy is their strength and their song and provides a solid foundation in their hearts.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780310682509
Publisher: Nelson, Thomas, Inc.
Publication date: 02/16/2016
Series: Women of Faith Study Guide Series
Format: eBook
Pages: 128
File size: 830 KB

About the Author

Head in the clouds. Feet on the ground. Heart in the story. Christa Kinde is a cheerful homebody whose imagination takes her to new places with every passing day. Making her home between misty mornings and brimming bookshelves in Southern California, she keeps her lively family close and her trusty laptop closer. Christa has been writing for more than a decade, producing numerous workbooks and study guides for Max Lucado, John MacArthur, and Women of Faith.  


Read an Excerpt

Experiencing Contagious Joy

By Christa Kinde

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2006 Christa Kinde
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-310-68250-9


Joyless Living

"All the joy is gone from our hearts. Our dances have turned into dirges."

Lamentations 5:15 MSG

Clearing the Cobwebs

Did you have a favorite toy when you were a child?

Our house is like most houses where a child is in residence. After several years' worth of birthdays and Christmases, we have a remarkable accumulation of toys. Stuffed animals, board games, coloring books, baby dolls, train sets, puzzles, cars, kitchen toys, picture books, building blocks. I usually buy books for the kids, but grandpas and grandmas, aunties and uncles are always finding excuses to add to our abundance. You would think this profusion would give any child delight. — endless possibilities for all manner of play. But what do we hear? "I'm bored."

There are times when our spiritual lives are no different. We are surrounded by all of God's goodness and blessings. By all rights we should be content and happy. Still, a restlessness, a boredom, and the conviction that something is missing settles around us. Like a whiney child, we scuff our feet and grumble, "I'm bored." Despite everything we have to be thankful for, we find no joy in our days.

1. Joyless living is aptly described in Proverbs 23:29. Fill in the blanks.

"Who has ___________________ ?

Who has ___________________ ?

Who has ___________________ ?

Who has ___________________ ?

Who has _____ without _____ ?

Who has ________ of _______ ?

– Proverbs 23:29 NKJV

2. What has happened to the joy of the people in Isaiah 24:11?

3. What are the signs that joy is absent in Isaiah 24:8?

4. This theme is repeated in these next two verses. In each case, what lack is a symptom of joyless living?

• Ezekiel 26:13

• Psalm 137:2

5. There's a distinct difference between those who are God's own and those who are not. How does Isaiah 65:14 contrast the two?

Circumstances have a way of conspiring to leech the joy right out of our days. Even though we know joy is our rightful heritage from the Lord, we live as if we have never known joy's presence. We long for joy as if it were something far off and unobtainable. But joy isn't really a matter of receiving something new, but of discovering what has always been there. For believers, sometimes experiencing joy is simply a matter of opening our eyes to a new way of seeing.

6. When joy slips from our view, we can pray for its return. What is the psalmist's prayer in Psalm 51:8?

7. Feelings are tricky things. We may know that joy can be ours but still not really feel very joyful. This can be hard to explain to others, but what does Proverbs 14:10 remind us by way of reassurance?

8. If joy is a matter of finding a new way of seeing, we can ask the Lord to show us the way into joy.

• What does David pray for in Psalm 16:11?

• What does David ask the Lord to do in Psalm 25:4?

• In Psalm 119:18, what does the psalmist ask God for?

9. As with anything in which the Lord has a hand, there is hope. What promise do we find in Psalm 30:5?

Digging Deeper

Some days it's harder than others to draw upon the joy that we know is ours. Troubles and trials have a way of distracting us from it. Rediscovering our joy often means looking at things differently. God can open our eyes to His joy. Let's look at some passages about the opening of our eyes in order to see something that has always been there.

• Numbers 22:31

• Psalm 146:8

• Acts 26:18

• Psalm 119:18

• Luke 24:31

Ponder & Pray

Are you having trouble finding joy in your days? This is the perfect week to begin asking the Lord to open your eyes to His joy. Pray for a new way of seeing. Ask God for a joy that's unaffected by the changes in your circumstances or your emotions.

Trinkets to Treasure

At the close of each lesson, you will be presented with a small gift. Though imaginary, it will serve to remind you of the things you have learned. Think of it as a souvenir. Souvenirs are little trinkets we pick up on our journeys to remind us of where we have been. They keep us from forgetting the path we have traveled. Hide these little treasures in your heart, for as you ponder them, they will draw you closer to God!

We'll begin our collection of trinkets with a pair of glasses. These will serve as a reminder to you that you need never be trapped in a joyless life. Joy is yours. Sometimes all you have to do is ask the Lord to help you see it.

Notes & Prayer Requests





Turning Sorrow to Joy

"I'll convert their weeping into laughter, lavishing comfort, invading their grief with joy."

Jeremiah 31:13 MSG

Clearing the Cobwebs

Have you ever had a makeover? Did you take before and after pictures?

Most toddlers have the uncanny knack for turning on and off faucets. Were not talking about the kitchen sink here. Were talking tears. Crocodile tears. One second, they're engulfed in misery. Piteous weeping communicates the sadness that overwhelms them. But in another moment, the heart-wrenching sobs can dissolve into smiles. Just like that, their sorrow is turned to joy.

Our own sorrow as adults is never so simple to alleviate. Sadness, dissatisfaction, depression, boredom. — they're not easy to turn on and off. But God's promise is that we need never linger in joyless living. When our life is as flat and gray as ashes, God invites us to exchange these ashes for the beauty of joy.

1. The story of joy begins with a sudden change. It's a matter of before and after. How does the "before" look according to these verses?

• Job 16:16

• Job 17:7

• Proverbs 15:13

2. But the promise is that joy can be ours. What does Psalm 126:6 say about the change from sorrow to joy?

3. What does Isaiah 52:9 bid us to do?

4. How does Jeremiah describe the turned tables of sorrow and joy?

"Then shall the virgin _____________ in the _____________, And the young men and the old, together; For I will _____________ their _____________ to _____________, Will _____________ them, And make them _____________ rather than _____________." –Jeremiah 31:13 NKJV

5. This message is so encouraging, it bears repeating. What does Isaiah 35:10 tell us we will obtain?

When a woman gets a makeover, she's hoping for transformation. She sees herself as ordinary, and hopes that the expertise of stylists and makeup artists will cause her hidden beauty to shine forth. But all the exfoliation, rehydration, and application in the world can only do so much. They only serve to polish up the exterior a bit. If we want to experience a real transformation, we need to start from the inside out. When God's y our heart, it is so much more effective than mud packs, salt scrubs, and essential oils. Joy bestows on us a beauty that radiates from within.

6. God's exchange rate always seems to be tipped in our favor. What does He offer to us if we give Him our sorrows?

7. Joy is the ultimate transformation in our hearts. What does Isaiah compare it to in Isaiah 51:3?

8. When do we discover that joy resides in our hearts? What does the prophet say in Isaiah 12:3?

9. Those who are lost discover joy when they are saved. Those who already belong to the Lord have only to rediscover the joy that already belongs to them. What does David say about this in Psalm 51:12?

Digging Deeper

When we're overwhelmed by sorrow, worry, grief, or confusion, it seems as if we'll never see joy again. But God is full of surprises, and the impossible is well within His reach. Look up the following verses to see what Scripture says about hope and joy becoming ours again.

• Job 8:21

• Psalm 126:2

Ponder & Pray

No matter how dark a night you might have experienced, there is a promise that joy will come in the morning. Sorrow will not last forever. God is able to turn all our sadness into dancing and all our ashes into radiant beauty. Thank God for the joy you have now and for the joy He's promised to give to you when you need it most.

Trinkets to Treasure

God offers to trade all our ashes for beauty. This transformation is better than any beauty treatment, so our trinket for the week is a makeup brush. Joy works its miracle on our lives from the inside out, and the results are lovely to behold!

Notes & Prayer Requests





A Reason for Rejoicing

"Rejoice because your names are written in heaven."

Luke 10:20 NKJV

Clearing the Cobwebs

Do you have an event or a decision in your life that became so monumental that you find yourself wondering what would have happened if you'd chosen differently? What is your what if?

I wonder if Alice, whose adventures in Wonderland have become well known, looked back at the moment she decided to follow that White Rabbit as a turning point in her life. After that, her life was completely changed. And how about Cinderella? Which event changed her life more — the day her father died and she became a slave in her own home, or the day the prince fitted a glass slipper onto her foot and made her his bride? Do you think Humpty Dumpty is still kicking himself for deciding to climb that wall? Does Peter Rabbit wish he'd never disobeyed his mother and entered Mr. McGregor's garden?

When we look at these kinds of occurrences, we can clearly see a before and after. Before, life was this way, but after, this is the way we lived. As a matter of fact, all of history turns on one choice, one event. When God chose to send His Son to live and die for our redemption, everything changed. Jesus' coming, death, and resurrection are the most pivotal events ever. Without Jesus, we would never have a reason for rejoicing.

1. What does Job 20:5 say about the good times of the godless?

2. Joy is found in the Lord. Throughout the Old Testament, the prophets foretold of a time when joy would brim over for God's people. What did Isaiah prophesy in Isaiah 9:2–3?

3. In Luke 1:14, what does God's messenger say will bring joy and gladness to Zechariah?

4. In Luke 2:10, this most familiar of passages, what fulfillment of the promise of joy is heard proclaimed?

5. Only God's chosen people were looking for the Messiah to come. But joy in Christ's coming was not limited to the Jews. From the very beginning, who rejoiced in the fulfillment of God's promise?

There are plenty of good reasons for celebrating. Opening night. Promotions. Windfalls. New babies. Graduation. Letters of acceptance. Birthdays. Generally speaking, the bigger the reason for rejoicing, the bigger the party we throw. While a card in the mail was satisfactory for Grandma's 73rd, 76th, and 79th birthdays, a bigger celebration was called for when her 80th rolled around. For Christians, we have the biggest reason ever for rejoicing. We rejoice because we have God's love and the hope of eternal life with Him.

6. Jesus' coming brought all of us the hope of joyful living. In His parables, Jesus said that what He brought, the kingdom of heaven, was a treasure. How does the man in Matthew 13:44 react when he discovers this eternal gift?

7. While Jesus' coming was certainly a fulfillment of God's promise, few people understood that His death was needed to secure their joy. How did Jesus attempt to explain this to His disciples in John 16:20?

8. After Jesus' resurrection, joy upon joy unfolded in the lives of His followers.

• Sometimes we're a little afraid of the joy we experience. In Matthew 28:8, what was mingled with the women's joy?

• What feelings overwhelmed the disciples in Luke 24:41?

• What does Luke 24:52 say that Jesus' friends and followers experienced?

9. Not only did the joy of Jesus' return change the lives of His followers — it ended up changing the whole world. What does Acts 17:6 say about the early Christians?

Digging Deeper

Take a look at Isaiah's description of the joy in his soul in the following verse. What might you compare with your own reason for rejoicing?

"I will sing for joy in God, explode in praise from deep in my soul! He dressed me up in a suit of salvation, he outfitted me in a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo and a bride a jeweled tiara."Isaiah 61:10 MSG

Ponder & Pray

We don't just have joy, we have a very good reason for being joyful. It helps to remind ourselves of that. Spend some time this week pondering all the things over which you can rejoice — from the smallest of blessings to the greatest reason of all — God's amazing gift of salvation.

Trinkets to Treasure

Jesus is indeed our greatest reason for rejoicing. His birth was heralded by good tidings of great joy. Usually we spend the month of December pondering this, but were not limited to that timeframe. Our trinket for the week is a star, like the Bethlehem star that first bore witness to the most joyful tidings ever heard.

Notes & Prayer Requests





Our Hearts Rejoice in Him

"Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord!"

1 Chronicles 16:10 NKJV

Clearing the Cobwebs

Do you have something you would describe as your "pride and joy"?

There's an old song made famous by Frank Sinatra called, "I Only Have Eyes for You." Some of the lyrics say, "I don't know if were in a garden or in a crowded avenue. You are here, so am I. Maybe millions of people go by, but they all disappear from view. And I only have eyes for you." When we give someone or something our full attention, everything else tends to fade into the background. For a while, at least, nothing else matters.

We experience joy in our lives because of the Lord, and our hearts rejoice in Him. Our joy pours out in songs, gladness, praise, and worship. That's when every thing else fades into the background, as we focus our rejoicing on the One who brings us joy. That reminds me of another song: "When I look into Your holiness, when I gaze into Your loveliness, when all things that surround become shadows in the light of You, I worship You, I worship You. The reason I live is to worship You."

1. Our joy is tied up with the Lord. He is our Source of joy and our reason for rejoicing. What does David urge us to do in Psalm 5:11?

2. The Lord brings joy to our hearts. Our hearts rejoice because of Him. What imagery does Jeremiah 31:12 use to describe the life of one who finds joy in God?

3. David wrote, "Our hearts brim with joy since we've taken for our own his holy name" (Ps. 33:21 MSG). Each of us rejoices in the Lord because of the way in which He wooed and called us to Himself. Every story is unique and personal. What is yours?

4. According to Ecclesiastes 2:26, what does God give to His own?

5. What does Solomon say God does in our hearts in Ecclesiastes 5:20?

When someone has something that gives them great pleasure and satisfaction, it's sometimes referred to as their "pride and joy." I had a neighbor once whose car was his pride and joy — he spent hours washing and waxing it every weekend. Another neighbor finds great satisfaction in her rose garden, where she putters for hours every week. Yet another neighbor works tirelessly to maintain his pride and joy — a perfectly manicured lawn. Our pride and joy tends to be that thing on which we shower the bulk of our time, attention, and affection. It's the thing we focus on the most. Have you ever thought that God could be — not necessarily your pride and joy — but your joy? He can and will be our sole source of joy as we spend our time with Him.


Excerpted from Experiencing Contagious Joy by Christa Kinde. Copyright © 2006 Christa Kinde. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Foreword, vii,
Introduction, ix,
Theme Verse, x,
Chapter 1 Joyless Living, 1,
Chapter 2 Turning Sorrow to Joy, 9,
Chapter 3 A Reason for Rejoicing, 17,
Chapter 4 Our Hearts Rejoice in Him, 25,
Chapter 5 Sing for Joy of Heart, 33,
Chapter 6 Resounding Joy, 41,
Chapter 7 Joy Mingled, 49,
Chapter 8 Count It All Joy, 57,
Chapter 9 Rejoice with Me, 65,
Chapter 10 Joy Is My Strength, 73,
Chapter 11 Radiant Joy, 81,
Chapter 12 Entering Joy, 89,
Shall We Review?, 96,
Leader's Guide, 99,

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