Read an Excerpt
All too often we yearn for a more spiritual life but tell ourselves it’s too difficult. We believe that God is hard to reach and so, discouraged before we begin, we do not even try. The truth is that God is easy for us to reach. The smallest prayer is heard and answered. The simplest overture meets with a loving response.
The tiny book you hold in your hands is a book of simple prayers and meditations—or, if you prefer, a book of simple overtures to God. Each one offers a starting place. Taken collectively, they offer an approach to God that is powerful as well as simple. These prayers are not a one-way street. They not only allow us to reach out to God, they also allow God to reach out to us.
I have called this little book Life Lessons because each entry is a corrective to our commonly held ideas about the divine. Like the postures assumed in hatha yoga, they stretch us gently. As we assume the positions indicated, each entry becomes a lesson. We learn more of God—and of ourselves.
In this book you will find that God speaks to you as both “I” and “We.” This is because we are sometimes guided by a singular force, and sometimes by a ministry of angels.
Little one, why are you anxious? Why do you worry and fret? I am with you always and I intend you great good. Still your frantic imaginings. Feel my calm. There is no need for panic. You are led carefully and well. There is always a choice: fear or faith. With faith comes the certainty that my world is unfolding exactly as it should. Trust in me. Trust in God—good, orderly direction. Everything is in divine order. There is a place for you, safe and protected. Feel my security. I prosper you. You are my child.
Little one, you turn a blind eye to the beauties of my world. I say to you, “Open your eyes and with your eyes your heart.” Dare to love. Dare to appreciate the loveliness all around you. On a snowy night feel my peace and tranquility. Snowbound, let me be your companion. Feel my calm. I am peaceful and so, too, can you be. Rest your heart in my quietude. Dismantle your fears and trust that all is well.
Dear one, bring me your troubles. I take great joy in untangling your complicated life. You are overwhelmed but I am not. Your many problems are child’s play to me. You have a shadowed heart, but I bring light to it. I illuminate your difficulties. I give you a lantern heart. Ask me for guidance and I will lead you one step at a time. Your path becomes broad and clear. I bring you clarity and grace.
Little one, you have lost a beloved. Your heart is numb, stricken with grief. You feel empty as if your loss has scraped bare the chambers of your heart. Listen to what I tell you now: death is a portal. Your beloved lives on. What you see as an ending is really a beginning. Your loved one feels joy, not sorrow; expansion and freedom as the transition to being “home” brings happiness and peace. Celebrate your beloved’s life. Do not mourn what is past. Go forward listening for the subtle signs that life lives on. Your loved one loves you still. Offer prayers of gratitude for all you shared. Your bond continues as you open your heart.
Hurried one, you pray for guidance but then rush on, missing my reply. You tell yourself I ignore you when it is you who ignores my answer. Hear me now: slow down, temper your frantic pace. Velocity is not your friend. Breathe deeply. Open your heart. Inhale the guidance that I would give to you. Focus on the precise moment we are in. Count it as a blessing. My guidance comes to you softly, without haste. Listen.
Little one, you strain for a solution. You push the river seeking an instant answer. You are without patience, without faith. I say to you, “Relax. Let go and let God.” My answers are perfect and they come to you with skilled timing. So rest. Do not force events to yield to your will. Trust my timing and my benevolence. I wish you well.
Little one, you feel alone and abandoned. This is false thinking. You are never alone, never abandoned. We are always at your side, guarding and protecting you. Ask us for help and know that help comes to you. As you slow your pace, you feel our presence. Trust us completely.
Frustrated one, you would force people and situations to do your bidding. Angered, they rebel. You do not get your way. Aggravated, you push still harder. To no avail. So now, pause in your striving. Allow me to advise you: “Easy does it.” This is no mere bromide. It doesn’t simply mean “slow down.” “Easy does it” means “easy accomplishes it.” Experiment with this advice. You will find its wisdom.
Stymied one, no one does as you wish! If only people would follow your lead, all would be well, you believe. But people do as they choose. You find yourself irritated. What is the solution? Put simply, it boils down to a slogan, “Live and let live.” Release others to their own agendas and put the focus on yourself: “Live.” Follow your heart. Ask what brings it joy. As you follow your bliss, your aggravation with others diminishes. You will know a new freedom and a new happiness. As you “live” you will “let live.” Harmony is the result.
Impatient one, you are stern with your animal friends. Instead, take your cue from them. They love you patiently. They are forgiving of your harsh moods. Learn from them. Teach them through love. Praise them. Say to them, “Good little one, good little one.” You will find that they respond to kindness. Treat them with love and feel their love come back to you.
Little one, nurture the plants that are in your care. Play gentle music. Speak to them with love. All living things respond to tenderness. Use discernment in their care. Your intuition will tell you when they are thirsty. Offer them enough water but not too much. Give them nutrients, again, in moderation. Praise their beauty. Appreciate their green life. Take care to give them ample room for growth. Love their verdant spirits. They will flourish in response.
Noisy one, learn to appreciate silence. Learn to lead your life without a voice-over. The news of the day is frequently harsh. You hear of catastrophe, not kindness. Your spirit flags. The future looms dark. Stop your dire imaginings. Listen, instead, for the still, small voice that comes to you with quietude. Mine is a voice of peace, calm, and optimism. It brings you much good if you open your heart to receive it. Your heart has ears that listen acutely. Silence speaks to them. Listen now and feel your mood gently lifting.
Little one, be alert to tiny things. Do not demand loud noises or showy events. The moon rises softly, blessing the evening air. Stars appear, twinkling on the horizon. As twilight slips into night, a hush comes to the world. Light a candle, burn a stick of incense celebrating the passing of the day. Ask for guidance and feel its gentle hand. You are well and carefully led.
Gentle one, how you please the forces of good. We are attuned to your whispers. We remind you that all prayers are answered, however small. You speak to us gently and we respond. We hear your soft voice. Your requests come to us on waves of grace. Speaking quietly, you capture our attention. We bring you blessings. Our good will is palpable. Open your heart.
Quiet one, sometimes you criticize your nature. You believe you should be louder to attract our attention. Stop your criticism. You are fine exactly as you are. We have ears for your gentle voice. Your prayers are heard. We listen carefully. Do not strain yourself to become something you are not. In the choir of earthly voices, you bring harmony. Yours is a true note.