Logic, Language and Computation

Logic, Language and Computation

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Center for the Study of Language and Inf
Logic, Language and Computation

Logic, Language and Computation


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This volume presents work that evolved out of the Third Conference on Situation Theory and Its Applications, held at Oiso, Japan, in November of 1991. The chapters presented in this volume continue the mathematical development of situation theory, including the introduction of a graphical notation; and the applications of situation theory discussed are wide-ranging, including topics in natural language semantics and philosophical logic, and exploring the use of information theory in the social sciences. The research presented in this volume reflects a growing international and interdisciplinary activity of importance for many fields concerned with information.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781881526902
Publisher: Center for the Study of Language and Inf
Publication date: 04/28/1996
Series: Center for the Study of Language and Information - Lecture Notes Series , #58
Pages: 590
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.50(d)

Table of Contents

1. Generalised set theory P. Aczel; 2. Information-oriented computation with BABY-SIT: E. Tin and V. Akman; 3. Reasoning with diagram sequences M. Anderson; 4. Information flow and the Lambek calculus J. Barwise, D. Gabbay and C. Hartonas; 5. Logical aspects of combined structures P. Blackburn and M. de Rijke; 6. On rich ontologies for tense and aspect P. Blackburn et al.; 7. Naturalising constraints N. Braisby and R. P. Cooper; 8. Reflexivity and belief de se K. L. Brown; 9. A channel-theoretic model for conditional logics L. Cavedon; 10. A compositional situation semantics for attitude reports R. Cooper and J. Ginzburg; 11. The attitudes in discourse representation theory and situation semantics R. Cooper; 12. Intensional verbs without type-raising or lexical ambiguity M. Dalrymple et al ; 13. Representation and information in dynamic semantics P. Dekker; 14. A persistent notion of truth in dynamic semantics T. Fernando; 15. Dynamics and the semantics of dialogue J. Ginzburg; 16. Towards a channel-theoretic account of the progressive S. Glasbey; 17. This might be it J. Groenendijk et al; 18. Euler and the role of visualization in logic E. Hammer and S. Shin; 19. Individuation and reasoning K. Ishikawa; 20. Where monsters dwell D. Israel and J. Perry; 21. A distributed system model for actions of situated agents Y. Katagiri; 22. Information, representation and the possibility of error R. C. Koons; 23. Bridging situations and NPI licensing I. Lee; 24. A diagrammatic inference system for geometry I. Luengo; 25. Belief as a form of subjective information D. Mack; 26. Diagram contents and representational granularity K. Manders; 27. Constraints on coalgebras K. Mukai; 28. Proof styles in multimodal reasoning J. Oberlander et al; 29. Austinian pluralities D. Oehrle; 30. Interfacing situations J. Perry and E. Macken; 31. Information flow and relevant logics G. Restall; 32. Attunement to constraints in nonmonotonic reasoning W. C. Rounds and G. Zhang; 33. A simultaneous abstraction calculus and theories of semantics P. Ruhrberg; 34. Minimal truth predicates and situation theory S. Schulz; 35. Reasoning with diagrams and geometrical constraints A. Shimojima; 36. A legal reasoning system based on situation theory S. Tojo and S. Won; 37. An E-type logic J. van der Does; 38. From utterances to situations: parsing with constructions in small domains W. Zadrozny.
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