The Magical Mist
The Magical Mist is a fairy tale about a little girl whose ragdoll becomes magically alive and transports her to the world of imagination where she munches on jolly jelly and eats purple pudding and meets King Infinite and Queen Fantasia then carries the key to the world of imagination back to Planet Earth only to find it covered with a deadly cloud of disbelief.
This book is designed to empower the creative imagination of children large and small. Inherent in the story i the message that imagination is a powerful and valuble tool and each child's creative sparkle should be cherished, nutured and never discarded.
This book is designed to empower the creative imagination of children large and small. Inherent in the story i the message that imagination is a powerful and valuble tool and each child's creative sparkle should be cherished, nutured and never discarded.
The Magical Mist
The Magical Mist is a fairy tale about a little girl whose ragdoll becomes magically alive and transports her to the world of imagination where she munches on jolly jelly and eats purple pudding and meets King Infinite and Queen Fantasia then carries the key to the world of imagination back to Planet Earth only to find it covered with a deadly cloud of disbelief.
This book is designed to empower the creative imagination of children large and small. Inherent in the story i the message that imagination is a powerful and valuble tool and each child's creative sparkle should be cherished, nutured and never discarded.
This book is designed to empower the creative imagination of children large and small. Inherent in the story i the message that imagination is a powerful and valuble tool and each child's creative sparkle should be cherished, nutured and never discarded.
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The Magical Mist
25The Magical Mist
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Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781623098841 |
Publisher: | BookBaby |
Publication date: | 09/09/2012 |
Sold by: | Barnes & Noble |
Format: | eBook |
Pages: | 25 |
File size: | 10 MB |
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