Mastering MOOCs: Using Open Online Courses to Achieve Your Goals
A Knowledge@Wharton Originals
How business professionals are using MOOCs to further their careers and help their companies and teams succeed
Since first making headlines in 2011, hundreds of universities across the world have begun offering thousands of MOOCS, or massive open online courses, to millions of students around the world. While researchers are still looking at what this relatively new technology means for education, many business professionals are already yielding the benefits.
Mastering MOOCs: Using Open Online Courses to Achieve Your Goals offers insights into how anyone can gain the greatest personal and professional impact from a MOOC. In this original in-depth audiobook, Knowledge@Wharton, The Wharton School's online journal of business analysis, addresses:
  • The ROI for MOOCs: Learn how to decide if a MOOC is a good value for your time and your goals.
  • How a MOOC can increase your value to an employer: Find out how some have found new jobs, changed careers, and received new responsibilities or promotions after taking a MOOC.
  • How MOOCs can help your team succeed: Discover how business leaders are using MOOCs to solve business problems as a team and to bring employees up to speed on new areas of knowledge.
Mastering MOOCs is a comprehensive guide that outlines the opportunities MOOCs offer to business professionals. Each chapter includes key takeaways that you can use immediately. It is also a must for those who want to know how to get the most out of a MOOC, whether to develop themselves or their teams.
Gildan Media is proud to bring you another Wharton Digital Press Audiobook. These notable audiobooks contain the essential tools that can be applied to every facet of your career.

Mastering MOOCs: Using Open Online Courses to Achieve Your Goals
A Knowledge@Wharton Originals
How business professionals are using MOOCs to further their careers and help their companies and teams succeed
Since first making headlines in 2011, hundreds of universities across the world have begun offering thousands of MOOCS, or massive open online courses, to millions of students around the world. While researchers are still looking at what this relatively new technology means for education, many business professionals are already yielding the benefits.
Mastering MOOCs: Using Open Online Courses to Achieve Your Goals offers insights into how anyone can gain the greatest personal and professional impact from a MOOC. In this original in-depth audiobook, Knowledge@Wharton, The Wharton School's online journal of business analysis, addresses:
  • The ROI for MOOCs: Learn how to decide if a MOOC is a good value for your time and your goals.
  • How a MOOC can increase your value to an employer: Find out how some have found new jobs, changed careers, and received new responsibilities or promotions after taking a MOOC.
  • How MOOCs can help your team succeed: Discover how business leaders are using MOOCs to solve business problems as a team and to bring employees up to speed on new areas of knowledge.
Mastering MOOCs is a comprehensive guide that outlines the opportunities MOOCs offer to business professionals. Each chapter includes key takeaways that you can use immediately. It is also a must for those who want to know how to get the most out of a MOOC, whether to develop themselves or their teams.
Gildan Media is proud to bring you another Wharton Digital Press Audiobook. These notable audiobooks contain the essential tools that can be applied to every facet of your career.

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Mastering MOOCs: Using Open Online Courses to Achieve Your Goals

Mastering MOOCs: Using Open Online Courses to Achieve Your Goals

by Knowledge@Wharton

Narrated by Sean Pratt

Unabridged — 1 hours, 16 minutes

Mastering MOOCs: Using Open Online Courses to Achieve Your Goals

Mastering MOOCs: Using Open Online Courses to Achieve Your Goals

by Knowledge@Wharton

Narrated by Sean Pratt

Unabridged — 1 hours, 16 minutes

Audiobook (Digital)

(Not eligible for purchase using B&N Audiobooks Subscription credits)

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A Knowledge@Wharton Originals
How business professionals are using MOOCs to further their careers and help their companies and teams succeed
Since first making headlines in 2011, hundreds of universities across the world have begun offering thousands of MOOCS, or massive open online courses, to millions of students around the world. While researchers are still looking at what this relatively new technology means for education, many business professionals are already yielding the benefits.
Mastering MOOCs: Using Open Online Courses to Achieve Your Goals offers insights into how anyone can gain the greatest personal and professional impact from a MOOC. In this original in-depth audiobook, Knowledge@Wharton, The Wharton School's online journal of business analysis, addresses:
  • The ROI for MOOCs: Learn how to decide if a MOOC is a good value for your time and your goals.
  • How a MOOC can increase your value to an employer: Find out how some have found new jobs, changed careers, and received new responsibilities or promotions after taking a MOOC.
  • How MOOCs can help your team succeed: Discover how business leaders are using MOOCs to solve business problems as a team and to bring employees up to speed on new areas of knowledge.
Mastering MOOCs is a comprehensive guide that outlines the opportunities MOOCs offer to business professionals. Each chapter includes key takeaways that you can use immediately. It is also a must for those who want to know how to get the most out of a MOOC, whether to develop themselves or their teams.
Gildan Media is proud to bring you another Wharton Digital Press Audiobook. These notable audiobooks contain the essential tools that can be applied to every facet of your career.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940169970715
Publisher: Ascent Audio
Publication date: 05/01/2015
Edition description: Unabridged
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