Table of Contents
Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is not - Florence Nightingale
The Nature of Nursing: A Definition and Its Implications for Practice, Research and Education - Virginia Henderson
Theory in a Practice Discipline - James Dickoff, Patricia James and Ernestine Wiedenbach
Part I: Practice-Oriented Theory
The Role of Research and the Development of Nursing Theory - Jean Mc Farlane
The Discipline of Nursing - Sue Donaldson and Dorothy Crowley
Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing - Barbara Carper
A Dialectical Examination of Nursing Art - Joy Johnson
Integration of Nursing Theory and Nursing Ethics - Michael Yeo
Patterns of Knowing - Jill White
Review, Critique and Update
Middle-Range Nursing Theories Are Necessary for the Advancement of the Discipline - Jacqueline Fawcett
Concepts of Caring and Caring as a Concept - Janice Morse et al
From a Plethora of Paradigms to Parsimony in Worldviews - Jacqueline Fawcett
Empirical Development of a Middle-Range Theory of Caring - Kristen Swanson
A Framework for Analysis and Evaluation of Conceptual Models of Nursing - Jacqueline Fawcett
Theory - Afaf Ibrahim Meleis
Metaphors, Symbols, Definitions
Levels of Theoretical Thinking in Nursing - Patricia Higgins and Shirley Moore
The Idea of Nursing Science - Steve Edwards
Concept Analysis - Lorraine Olszewski Walker and Kay Coalson Avant
How not to Clarify Concepts in Nursing - John Paley
Problems with Paradigms in a Caring Profession - Jane Robinson
Reflections on Nursing Practice Science - Dorothea Orem and Susan Taylor
The Nature, the Structure and the Foundation of Nursing Sciences
The Roper/Logan/Tierney Model - Nancy Roper and Winifred Logan
Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relations - Hildegard Peplau
King's Theory of Goal Attainment - Imogene King
Adaptation - Callista Roy
A Conceptual Framework for Nursing
Future of the Roy Model - Callista Roy
Challenge to Redefine Adaptation
A Philosophy of Nursing - Dorothy Johnson
The Nature of a Science of Nursing - Dorothy Johnson
Neuman's Systems Model - Peter Aggleton and Helen Chalmers
The Neuman Systems Model - Betty Neuman
Reflections and Projections
Nursing Science and the Space Age N - Martha Rogers
Newman's Theory of Health as Praxis - Margaret Newman
Human Becoming - Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
Parse's Theory of Nursing
Culture Care Theory, Research and Practice - Madeleine Leininger
The Theory of Human Caring - Jean Watson
Retrospective and Prospective
Nursing Models - Alison Tierney
Extant or Extinct?
Re-Reading Nursing and Re-Writing Practice - Davina Allen
Towards an Empirically Based Reformulation of the Nursing Mandate
The State of Nursing Science - Jacqueline Fawcett
Hallmarks of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Nursing Theory 25 Years Later - Imogene King
Nursing Theory as a Guide to Practice - William Cody
Nursing's Syntax Revisited - Susan Gortner
A Critique of Philosophies Said to Influence Nursing Theories
Postmodernism and Knowledge Development in Nursing - Jean Watson
A Treatise on Nursing Knowledge Development for the 21st Century - Pamela Reed
Beyond Postmodernism
Behind the Screens - Jocalyn Lawler
Nursing, Somology and the Problem of the Body: Preface and Introduction
Evidence-Based Medicine - Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group
A New Approach to Teaching the Practice of Medicine
Evidence-Based Medicine - David Sackett et al
What It Is and What It Isn't
What Is the Evidence on Evidence-Based Nursing? An Epistemological Concern - Peter French
On Nursing Theories and Evidence - Jacqueline Fawcett et al
What Counts as Evidence in Evidence-Based Practice? - Jo Rycroft-Malone et al
The Crisis of Professional Knowledge and the Pursuit of an Epistemology of Practice - Donald Schön
Framing Learning through Reflection within Carper's Fundamental Ways of Knowing in Nursing - Christopher Johns
Reflection - Amanda Burton
Nursing's Practice and Education Panacea?
Excerpt from From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice - Patricia Benner
Clinical Judgement - Patricia Benner and Christine Tanner
How Expert Nurses Use Intuition
Intelligent Nursing - Mary Purkis and Kristín Björnsdóttir
Accounting for Knowledge as Action in Practice
Evidence for Practice, Epistemology and Critical Reflection - Mark Avis and Dawn Freshwater
The Practice Turn in Nursing Epistemology - Pamela Reed
Nursing Praxis and the Science of the Unique - Gary Rolfe
Challenging the Atheoretical Production of Nursing Knowledge - Gail Mitchell and Debra Bournes
A Response to Reed and Rolfe's Column
Directions for Nursing Theory Development in the 21st Century - Afaf Ibrahim Meleis
The Future of Nursing - Janie Butts, Karen L. Rich and Jacqueline Fawcett
How Important Is Discipline-Specific Knowledge? A Conversation with Jacqueline Fawcett
What, May I Ask Is Happening to Nursing Knowledge and Professional Practices? What Is Nursing Thinking at This Turn in Human History? - Jean Watson