The poet-turned-novelist brings a haunting, fragmentary approach to the story of a young man’s relationship with his mother in “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous.”
“Writing your own story is perhaps the truest enactment of the American dream.” Today on POURED OVER, we’re talking with Ocean Vuong, the author of the remarkable novel On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous. It’s the debut work of fiction from a writer already celebrated for his work as a poet, but this poignant novel, written […]
The year isn’t over, but so many fantastic new books have already been published, that we would feel amiss if we didn’t stop to recognize some of our favorite reads thus far. Divided in separate lists of fiction and nonfiction, here are 30 books that have amazed and inspired us in 2019. Fiction
Debut authors, literary giants, lyrical poets, celebrated chefs and keen observers of life all come together to showcase more of the stellar lineup of new books we have coming this fall. We’re still a bit dizzy from the flood of literary treasures September gifted us, and this October brings another tidal wave of exceptional publishing. […]
2020 has been the year of many things — exceptional publishing has been one of the brighter spots. And within this stellar lineup of outstanding reads, there’s been a rather wonderful trend to emerge — unforgettable debuts. These career-launching works from a range of talented, diverse and contemporary new authors has been a breath of fresh air and a hopeful glimpse of all the amazing stories that are yet to come. Here is […]