Periodontal-Restorative Interrelationships: Ensuring Clinical Success begins with a careful discussion of treatment planning, comprehensively covering all variables in simple to complex cases. Subsequent chapters focus upon the most commonly encountered clinical challenges, using a systematic, easy-to-follow approach to various treatment methodologies. All chapters are well-illustrated with clinical examples. Firmly grounded in evidence-based research, the book affords clinicians from multiple specialties a practical guide for predictable, successful results. Accessible and logically organized, Periodontal-Restorative Interrelationships is an invaluable reference for all clinicians performing these procedures.
Periodontal-Restorative Interrelationships: Ensuring Clinical Success begins with a careful discussion of treatment planning, comprehensively covering all variables in simple to complex cases. Subsequent chapters focus upon the most commonly encountered clinical challenges, using a systematic, easy-to-follow approach to various treatment methodologies. All chapters are well-illustrated with clinical examples. Firmly grounded in evidence-based research, the book affords clinicians from multiple specialties a practical guide for predictable, successful results. Accessible and logically organized, Periodontal-Restorative Interrelationships is an invaluable reference for all clinicians performing these procedures.